Veteran hero worship must be stopped

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In the USA we have a culture of lifting up the military as a great thing and an elevation of veterans as heroes that are protecting us and guarding our freedoms.

Lots of times when you are talking to a veteran and get in an augment with them they will say that they are a veteran and that they served in such and such war as a way to assert themselves above you and imply; how dare you challenge someone who served their country?

The reality is that veterans are not heroes but victims. You will get called or sorts of names if you dare to challenge the military worship culture in the USA.

The cold hard truth is that the military is not protecting your freedoms they are actively working to do the very opposite. You need to realize that freedom is not something that exists in the USA any more and that you are under a trance if you think the USA is still the best, freest and safest country on the planet.

The USA is the bully of the world and is behind much of the death and destruction that is found around the globe.

The US government is funding the terrorists and then taking your rights away one by one under the guise of protecting you from terrorism.

If you are thinking of joining the military, you should not!

Some people who were fooled into joining the military could have done heroic acts of protecting their fellow comrades but for the most part they did noting more than further the global takeover of the world by the elite controllers.

The Zionist bankers have financed both sides of almost every war and benefit greatly from the destruction and bloodshed that follows.

When military go off to war, they are NOT protecting America and they are not doing anything heroic in getting slaughtered for Rothschild banker wars! Many people who join the military can mean well and think they are doing something good for their country but they were fooled into believing the lies told to them by the powers that be.

This veteran worship went so far that we have a whole holiday devoted to “honoring” veterans.

If we go back a few hundred years, we could say that veterans back then truly died protecting the country and defending people’s freedoms. We understand that the USA was started by Freemasons but something that needs to be understood is that Freemasonry has the yin and yang concept of doing evil and some good.

People have benefited and will benefit from some of the things that the Masonic hierarchy does but that does not change the fact the Freemasonry is a threat to everyone that is not a Masonic bro in the Masonic system of lies.

Much more detail could be put into explaining how most wars are all part of the controlled system that is benefiting no one but the bankers that funded it all but that is something for another time.

We truly feel sorry for all the veterans that were traumatized and suffered from the fighting they did but they were fooled and sacrificed by the cabal as cannon fodder.

It really hurts seeing all the people who have died fighting for the bankers and it is a sick thing to see all the people that are lured into serving in military and then just back stabbed by bureaucratic scumbags that care about nothing more than themselves and their wallets.

An end must be put to all the stupid veteran hero-worship that we have here.

And people should understand that veterans where victims of this hideous New World Order and that they should not be attacked for it.

But if they are one of these psychotic people who joined the military out of a selfish desire to be worshiped as a hero then you should confront them and explain how they are not a hero and that you won’t praise the them for serving in some Rothschild banker war.

Copyright by The Unfake Media 2018

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