Has Veritaseum Begun To Get Whacked?

Has Veritaseum Begun To Get Whacked? 


  I don't know if anyone has noticed, but Veritaseum has had more bad press in the last few days, then it has had since their ICO.  I can't help but wonder if Goldman sachs's recent SETLcoin patent has anything to do with it.  Probably a long shot.  Still, Something has made a lot of bloggers/posters start looking deep into Veritaseum.  Is the recent bashing of Veritaseum justified?  Let have a deeper look ourselves.  We'll start with the least important thing, and work our way to what really matters.

The Website 

 When you consider that the folks investing in this coin think they're investing in a team of tech and web experts, knocking up a smart looking website should be child's play.  Instead it just looks like a child has built it.  Straight up shit! Its crude and........its just shit. No effort. Well I shouldn't say "no effort". Lots of effort went into teaching you where, when, and how to buy the Veritaseum tokens.  Next to nothing about what it's for, or why we need it.  Hardly any important information.

Its Use/End Result 

  Again, the website doesn't offer much information into whats its for, but I did some digging and found a video posted by the creator himself.  Reggie Middleton explains what Veritaseum is.

Yep, I know, you're still wondering what its for.  It's a tool, and you can use it in every field.  Hello? Why don't you get it people? But for real, its use has changed over time it seems. When it was first talked about, it was said to be a token for settling securities trades.  If you had the token, you had the doorway to fast securities trades.  Now it's an everything coin, that does nothing at this point.  So I would have to say this point justifies the bashing we have seen lately. 

What are People Saying?  Whats the Word on the Street?

  Well, if you had asked me a few weeks ago, I would have told you everyone is very excited about this coin/token.  But it seems the internet world has turned on Veritaseum.  Maybe it's Reggies fault with the whole "it does everything" talk.  Still, many love the coin and will ride or die with it right to $0.  So I would say the word on the street in neutral. 

The Veritaseum Team

  The website lists 3 people. 

1. Reggie Middleton 

CEO, Founder, Reggie has been featured on The Keiser Report, Boom Bust, Bloomberg, BBC and CNBC.  He made some money selling houses and worked for a bank for a few years.

2.  Patryk Dworznik

 Lead Engineer, Patryk is a Full Stack Developer and Engineer, developed the legacy Veritaseum Java client.  The website doesn't say much more than that, and the rest of the net has nothing on him it seems.

3. Manish Kapoor

Lead Analyst, Manish is a certified International Analyst and Forensic Accountant, served as Asst. Director & Manager with CRISIL/S&P, Price Waterhouse Coopers & Deloitte. Manish has worked with Reggie for 10 yrs in predicting the fall of Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, General Growth Properties and the European sovereign debt crisis. 

  That's the team as the website lists them.  If you're used to other ICOs and their teams as listed on their websites, then I know what your thinking.  This is a small fucking team!  Where's the rest of them?

  Well my friends, I think I know why all the bad press.  Because it's justified!  Stay away from this coin/token!  Fix your site Reggie! Maybe work on a clear message about what this fucking token will do once it goes live.  Don't spit that bullshit about how it will do everything.  Tell me what will it do first.  My guess is the first thing it will do is make you stinking rich.  After that, who cares right? 

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