Introduction-Who am I?-Who are We?-Where are we Going?-Password issues-Can I use a pen-name?

Greetings, Earthly Beings,

  My real name is Brandon Truster though, you should probably forget about that name right now as that name is not "me" and ultimately is the "slave name" chosen for me by my biological creators.  Am I right to assume the same is true of all of us? How many of you are actually content with your CAPITIS DIMINUTIO MAXIMA property title, or "name"? Just know I chose "Shaman-Ra" for now as all the other names I wanted were actually taken, or did not meet Steemit's criteria.  More on that later.... (yeah, stick around, have a seat near this weird, loving fire, you can use the extra congas)

If you dig into that name deep enough you will find a bag of conflicting things. On one hand this "Brandon" seems like a cool hippie type who has a lot of experiences from a variety of vocations, well traveled and steeped in collective wisdom, supports ideas that support the whole of humanity, loves people enough to help them and is certainly interested in the creative process. Nice. He likes to "live in a van down by the river" as Chris Farley put it on SNL. What isn't so nice, you might learn this guy comes off as a "misogynist", "cop-hater", "supporter of weird/unpopular ideas", "into Satanism" and all kinds of things that might only seem bad because they might be subject to interpretation? In other words, distance that "Brandon" as far from this Steemit personality as much as you possibly can. That "brandon" is really just frustrated because his own family supports the problem. That "brandon" was beat up by cops possibly because such family members stand up for Trump's messages that make the existence of activists seem like an ill thing worthy of abuse or torture. 

  You will also notice this "brandon" isn't really too fond of money. Of course, he recognizes the hypocrisy of possibly making money from Steemit posts that are "anti-money", so there is no need to Troll him about it. Though, if you were to do so, he would probably get his jollies. He is open minded enough to deal with it. He has been one of the sheep and knows what it is like to be both successful and poor......for these reasons he does support The Venus Project. It is the brainchild of industrial engineer, Jacque Fresco, for a social system that uses automation to create abundance to meet everyone's needs and wants through the intelligent management of resources and the application of the scientific method to social concern. Wow, say that three times fast. I really wanted to put a phallus joke in there, but, hasn't that been done before? Also, I am all out of fart jokes. We might all be out of fart jokes. 

 So expect me, Shaman-Ra (for now) to be posting about those ideas and more. Brandon is an artist and musician and loves the work of other artists and musicians so I will be "ranting"  about that as well. Really, anything I think is important enough for you to know about that the TV and other Media won't tell you about is going to be my primary subject matter. Perhaps I will share the true, "Ground Zero"  story of Portland Occupy that the TV news really screwed up. eh? 

  Also, is it ok for me to use a "pen-name" here? I feel I write a lot better when I am wearing a "mask" of sorts. I actually had a much better pen-name but wasn't sure if it was something I should do. My writing with this "identity" is much better, as this face/persona is so inspirational to me. Is it too late to change my identity on here? I really went with this Shaman-Ra because I was "put on a spot" and made a hurried decision. For all I know, you already like Shaman-Ra?

  Finally, I am unable to use Chat. After I registered, created a password (that I do know by heart) and tried to log in it told me my password was incorrect? I clicked on the option several times to reset password, but no email as of this writing. Tried alternate versions of the password and user name, no dice.  Is this a common thing? Anyone I can contact directly to remedy this issue? #throwmeabonehere

   We look forward to working with you wonderful humans. See you out there on that Earth. Peace. Love. "Don't take any guff from these swine."-Hunter S. Thompson

"Our stupid human here is unarmed and doesn't mean anyone any harm"-Def the Pot Smoking Alien, from the band, thE bEans

Shaman-Ra......for now. Over. Out.

#venusproject #mysticism #evolve #change #steemitSkeletons in Love After Ingesting a Foreign Material.JPG

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