The Ventilation Man -Episode 11- A New Dimension

“You’ve got a lot of explaining to do, Ventmin! I trusted you, and you’ve destroyed my family!”
“You misunderstand, my friend, the situation is much more complex than you think, you see? I will confess one thing, yes I must! I am the only one of my kind, the Ventmin. I do eat Dustablons for breakfast, lunch and dinner! But I do it out of necessity, not because I’m a killer, no. No, no, no! That’s my food! And I’m not going to be accused of things-“
“That’s enough! Thanks to you, I don’t have a family anymore! Everyone I loved is gone and you have a lot to answer for! You may be the only one of your kind, but to not consider the lives of others is just plain selfish. Do you know what being selfish is? You’re the living definition.”
I pulled a large broken pipe from the ground and proceeded to impale Ventmin with it. The pipe exploded on contact!
“What?! Why won’t that work?”
“I don’t know, no one has ever tried that before! But I guess that means we are enemies. Prepare for battle!”
He hit me with a multidimensional punch that sent me flying to a different world. It was a constantly moving world, breathing with life. Tons of little animals were running around everywhere chanting “Ventmin! Ventmin!”. Next, I saw a giant vent with two giant glowing eyes in it. They blinked and I heard a loud, “Welcome to my VentLand. I’m not sure how you got here, but you’re safe for the time being. I have no control of this place. It’s like all of my dreams come here and perform little tunes for me. I guess you’re my first nightmare.”
I could not speak. I felt odd, like something was missing. I ran to a body of liquid to find some kind of reflection. That was it! My mouth was gone!

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