Regards and Respectful Greetings Friends and Brothers of Venezuela, Latin Americans and the entire Steemit Ecosystem. My Best and Greatest Wishes with Blessings for Everyone: Health, Happiness, Luck, Success, Peace and Love.

To avoid "Badly understood", I must start this publication with a necessary CLARIFICATION: With the greatest humility and without being hypocrite, envious, petty or egoistic; I must point out that despite the "Good Numbers Apparent" that I have, I still consider myself -and in truth I am- a "Rookie and Ignorant" in Steemit, and I say it objectively with my truth.

Therefore, I reiterate that I have done this article in knowledge of my limitations of "Rookie" (I do not know most of the things that underlie Steemit), as well as I recognize the many mistakes that I have made. In this context, I send a couple of Messages: "The Donkey Always Forgets That It Was little donkey" and "Who Is Considered Free of Errors That Launches the First Lie".

In these circumstances, this publication was born with the noble intention of trying to generate suitable teachings and good advice to many users in Steemit, both Venezuelan, Latin American and by "default" from other parts of the world.

In addition, this writing is oriented for all those who "Want to Help" and perhaps do not know how to do it; and/or do it now in a "wrong" way (according to my unique perspective); because, it must be known that in the first place to be able to help "others", we must first "help" ourselves; therefore, initially we all need to know the normative, strategic, referential, idealistic, pragmatic, community, systematized, ethical and idiosyncratic "factors", among others; to acquire learning, experience, "reputation", "high numbers", SBD, Dollars and the necessary success both in Steemit and in life itself, which we must redirect, share and teach those we want to help; but, with due patience, altruism, persistence, commitment, cordiliality, honesty, discipline, loyalty, quantity and quality.


At the beginning of this point, Truthfully I must apologize because I do not want to hurt susceptibilities or annoy those who sincerely believe that they help Venezuela and by obvious extension to the Venezuelans, "Giving Food, Medicines, Articles, SBD, $, UpVotes and "Clap Boxes", among others (I know that really and in a certain way they "Help", and I do not criticize them for that, it would be absurd if I criticize them.) I criticize the "inefficient help mechanism", because even though they help and they resolve in the given moment, please consciences, and make feel good both to the one who grants and to the one who receives, but, deep down, they do Not help almost Nobody in the long term).

Let's See What I'm Referring to?

.- In the word "Give" starts the first big "Error" of the intended "Help", and in the "Psyche" of the recipient of the help, the words "Give me", "Conformism", "Live Creole", "Victim" and "Acquired Rights", among others; is the continuation of the referred first great "Error". Do you remember the saying "Bread for Today and Hunger for Tomorrow"? Well, that "Current Benefit Structure" that consists of "Giving away" is only about that and "Joy of the Physicist", the beneficiaries will eat well today, when receiving the Help and from tomorrow, Hunger and Need will reappear; but, now "planted" with hope because tomorrow they give us again "something" to "Return to Eat Right". That's Sad, Very Sad, and I've Lived In Own Meat...

.- In the "Division of Help" and the groups of those who intend to "Help", to supposedly reach more "Beneficiaries" or because we are not able to unite in function of Really Help, the second great "Error" is located . The point is that the mental structure of those in charge of "Coordinating and Granting Aid" usually operates the "Egocentric Personalism" and the Human "Necessity" of the Gratitude of the Masses (Vulgar Populism); added to the Distrust, the foolish Elementalism, the "Incapacity" to work in "High Level Managerial Team" with Altruistic purpose and the Imposition of absurd Rules and Fierce Conditions to "Help" us, among other aspects, that consolidate and perpetuate this second big mistake.

.- The Third "Strike" of "Error" and with it we are all "Out", especially we Venezuelans, is located in our Natural "Hypocrisy, Marginality, Envy, Meanness, Penguins' Living and Mental Selfishness", which in together and with much sadness we have been dragging the Venezuelans in our daily lives, idiosyncrasy and DNA, for hundreds of years; Of course, more developed and practiced in some more "bad guys" than in others; being the "worst subjects" a small minority almost criminal, but that together, they do so much damage that affect "the good image" to all of us.

What is this last Error about?

Simple, it usually happens that when we help an "evil fool", this one in "Diabolic Gratitude" will try to take full advantage of we and if possible "steal, cheat or cause harm and then get angry with you, which unfortunate deranged" (Strange? No, that is the cruel reality). In this context, many people who have tried to help the Venezuelans, when encountering some of the aforementioned "criminal lineage", immediately cause a demotivating and extensive negative effect against "all Venezuelans", and from there it gets harder. the option to receive Help; and in fact, when they grant it, it is under harsh conditions and absurd tests of "Honesty" to finally receive "Crumbs", which for little or nothing.

So, I ask: Do you really consider that, in the way that many have been doing so far: Do they help Venezuela and our Venezuelan Brothers?

Help: It is a transitive verb, which consists in doing something in a selfless and altruistic way, in favor of another person to relieve burdens, work, penalties or to achieve a certain purpose; also, to minimize or avoid a situation of embarrassment or risk that may affect he or she, or as in our case, to solve an undesirable situation of socioeconomic and humanitarian crisis, which Venezuelans suffer horribly today.

In first approach, I consider that to help through this Steemit way, we must first participate in an optimal Teaching/Learning process, and share all our knowledge and experiences in the platform; ordered as a Triangulator guiding, training, interaction and growth process of the Blockchain, of the participating users and of the community in general (something similar to the whole process currently carried out by @nnnarvaez with its @reveur project, but expanded, perfected and capitalized).


According to the previously reported, My Answer is: "There Is No Answer, Idea, Action, Recipe, Unique or Magical." In this sense, I consider that thought, idea, word, planning, action, feeling, omission, evaluation, correction and continuous improvement; they seem difficult tasks or options to get along, both in Idealism and in Pragmatism.

However, in the simplicity of Nature and its reality (including the human part) is Everything, because the "wheel is already invented" we just have to look for a better or innovative use that can help us.

Therefore, as a starting point, I must point out that in Simil to "The Society of the Dead Poets" correlated with the "Chain of Aid", we can form an Altruistic Sub-unit of Training and Help, in which they are grouped into "High Level Management Team", all those who really want to help Venezuela and the Venezuelans. Adding Knowledge, Experiences, Capitals, Collections, Users, Friendships, Voice and Defense, to really provide the most optimal help possible.

What is it about?

.- First, I must indicate that one of the best ways to help Venezuela is obviously "Helping Venezuelans", and one of the best ways to "Help Venezuelans" is basically with Education, Morals, Ethics, Quality, Capital and Entrepreneurship.

.- In this order of ideas, we can "Consolidate" a "Team Whale with a minimum of 1 Million SP" from small, medium and large groups of Altruistic Nobles, and start a phase of selfless and unconditional help to a small group of people. It must be clear, that it does not matter if some people who are helped at the end end up being "Alive assholes, ignorant, foolish, selfish, evil, petty, marginal, bad people and/or ungrateful"; Because those people will be the ones who lose it and they will simply be self-excluded from the growth that they will not be able to "see" with their twisted minds of delinquent fools. Important people will be those who are good to then help others.

.- Based on the two previous items, it will help strongly to grow in all aspects to that group of people, not with "crumbs"; the help must be with a great "seed capital", a lot of guidance, education, recommendations, technical and ethical support, follow-up, support and solidarity; so that the Beneficiaries, in a short time, can grow sustainably and in a self-sustaining way; Then, once enough wealth and knowledge has been reached, the Beneficiaries will become part of the same team of Altruistic Noble Whales, and then proceed to Help another group of people. And so on, we will all grow, turning Help into a "Virtuous Circle of Consolidated and True Growth".

.- The Story in "TEACHING TO FISH IN STEEMIT" (Note: This is not how Haejin teaches): "We Will Help and Teach to Grow Moderately and with Quality, in All Aspects, and Benefitting Steemit in First and Last Instance" ; and the only commitment that will be required of the participant is later to form a Help group or to integrate those already created to apply a similar Help mechanism to benefit other people.

.- As I said at the beginning, my proposal is not the only solution, it is not magic either; In fact I am sure that there are other variants and many other better options; but, for now it is one that I consider can be developed as "Pilot Test" for a certain time to be evaluated and improved or finally eliminated and ignored.

Note: I know the criticisms and justifications for not "supporting" these perhaps "Silly Ideas" and those that follow, because the wickedness, selfishness, pettiness and ignorance of the fool will always be present in many people; but, we should feel happy to only achieve if out of every 100 we help that one or two of them does fulfill the commitment to help others (I know there will be many more); but, in the other way as they have been doing, there will always be a "large queue of beneficiaries with hunger and needs perpetuating themselves" waiting for help and the group of those who want to help will never grow, nor will anyone really be helped in the long term.


Without pretending to offend, then I submit a humble and perhaps innocent classification that I have established, with the intention of giving examples of my ideas for the future associative, educational and growth purposes that I recommend doing, and for us Learning to Fish:

.- Small Fish: In this first category we will have all the new income in Steemit and those who for various reasons have not yet achieved the initial goal of 100 SP. Users of this first level will not be asked to group, they will only be recommended to support each other with their simple votes granted to other users of the same level. To them, the "Help Rookie" is directed, with a lot of training; and they will be Beneficiaries of an Initial Loan, as "Capital Seed", to take them to the next Level with the required Quality.

.- Medium Fish: In this second category we will group all those who exceeded the first goal of 100 SP, but are below the second goal of 500 SP. They are recommended to group together to form "Medium Trail", which together add a Steem Power higher than 2,000 SP and voting power greater than 0.5 for each round of 2.4 hours at 100%. They will be assigned the "Medium Help" of knowledge exchange and loan delivery as Capital of Growth, to easily raise them to the higher level with improvements and higher Quality.

.- Big Fish: Third category that will group those who have Steem Power between 500 SP and 2,000 SP. The suggestion is that they are grouped into "Bigs Trail", to add a Steem Power higher than 20,000 SP and voting power greater than 5 for each round of 2.4 hours at 100%. Having honored and paid the "debt" for the loans received in the previous levels, they will be granted the interactive "Great Help" of knowledge and Capital for greater growth, so that they can scale to the next level with improvements and higher Quality.

.- Dolphin: Fourth category to group those who have Steem Power higher than 2,000 SP and less than 50,000 SP. The recommendation is for them to form a "Trail Dolphin" Team, and achieve a Steem Power higher than 200,000 SP and voting power greater than 50 for each round of 2.4 hours at 100%. Having honored and paid the "debt" for the loans received in the previous levels, they will be granted the "Dolphin Aid" with strong training and Higher Capital to start "negotiating" with Cryptocurrencies or other profitable Businesses, and thus be able to grow up to Superior Level with Optimal Improvements and Quality.

.- Whale: Fifth and last category, for now, established to group the large accounts of Venezuela or those who want to help the Venezuelans; must own Steem Power above 50,000 SP. This is the Higher Level and "Mother", of coordination, control and command of votes and Help to the lower levels. All who can reach this category, must join to form a High Level Management Team "Trail Whale" to try to add Steem Power higher than 2,000,000 SP and voting power greater than 500, for every 2.4 hours at 100%. In addition, this Trail will have the capacity to receive more than 1,600 SBD and vote for more than 5,000 daily.

All of the above is only an example of a basic scheme that I suggest should be created as a "Healing Trail and Prepaid Help" with a lot of SP and SBD, with votes sold adjusted to 3.2 for every 1 SBD sent to you; in addition, of the loans for Capital to people so that they can buy their votes and start their daily growth process, parallel to the acquisition of knowledge. And in the end we won all...

An Example of an Associative Mechanism

I believe that one of the first "Strategies" that we must teach and learn VENEZUELAN, is to be a little more United and less "stupids" and distrust at the same time; Therefore, in this "Pragmatic Idealization", we must begin by looking for ways to convince the same Venezuelans to form similar teams of "Help", to Win + Win.

A possible option of Association, it can be that a person of a superior level, directs and associates with between 4 and 8 people with inferior level to his, and at the same time also joins a grouping of his same level, conformed also by 8 people, with which the aforementioned groups will be structured; being the "Whale Team", the one in charge of coordinating the whole "work scheme".

If in truth it is our "Desire and Decision" to help the Venezuelans to emerge, develop, grow, improve and progress in Steemit, extensive to their life in the day to day that we have to face in Venezuela, then the first thing we must do is "Acting on Correspondence" and "Assisting Truthfully." Because of the rest, they will only be "warm water cloths to alleviate the sorrows", and Almost Nothing Of True Help.

To finish, I would like to receive opinions, exchange ideas, improve proposals, build and consolidate teams; based on my rational main Idea: To consolidate the union of the Venezuelans, from steemit and from other possible spaces, wills and capitals could be linked to build a "Virtuous Hurricane" that drags poor people and makes them rich or at least in the middle class; establishing a high level Adhocratic Management team, which by "default" will grow for every poor person rescued, and that will increase the help to go and help others. Intent: Win + Win All.


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