Venezuela: The rescue of our values ​​if possible. Not everything is lost

Fuente: @operezorellana

Greetings to all Steemians

In recent days I've been thinking a lot about the current situation in Venezuela. More than anything, in relation to our values ​​as Venezuelans and human beings that we are. And I have been very disturbed by what most of our inhabitants say, every time they say that everything is lost, that it is impossible for us to recover our values, that the damage our country has suffered in general is so severe that in order to recover everything lost will have to spend at least 50 years, because the generation that has been born in all this time almost completely lacks values ​​and that everything is undone. In addition to this, we see daily how indifference marks us. Already many do not care about the suffering and pain of others. The lack of respect between each other and indolence is our daily bread. We are simply focused on resolving our individual situation and that of our close family group and we no longer care whether others suffer or not, whether they eat or not, whether they are sick, etc.

I think particularly, that we get out of that black hole and recover our values ​​if possible. That yes we can rescue everything that we consider that has been lost, as far as values ​​are concerned. But what would be useful for this to happen without having to spend so much time?

Fuente: @inspimundo

If we start to evaluate the factors that have affected the way of thinking and seeing things of the Venezuelan citizen so drastically, it has had a lot to do with how they have been strategically used for that purpose (I suppose they will know why who) the media in general: Radio, Television, Press, telephones, social networks, emails, among others. It has been countless hours in national radio and TV stations transmitting negative messages. Television programs and channels completely dedicated to that purpose of harming and changing the way of seeing things to a significant number of Venezuelan citizens that has been implemented for years.


Starting from there, I can allow myself to think about reversing all that if possible, using the same means with the same intensity, so that the Venezuelan way of thinking and seeing things gradually changes. Imagine, whole programming talking about values, repetitive messages on the various TV channels, radio, press, social networks. Billboards with messages that indicate the rescue of our values. That in every place we are there is a visible message that alludes to values ​​such as: Respect, Honesty, Responsibility, Humility, Love, Justice, Sincerity, Goodness, Friendship, Union, Consideration, Gratitude, Prudence, Tolerance, Commitment, Perseverance, Constancy, Equity, Peace among many others.


Perhaps many will ask themselves, and how will that be possible if most of the media are not in the best hands?

Even when that is true, there is much we can do with the media that are our reach: social networks, the press, many schools and institutions that are very likely to be willing to collaborate with the recovery of our values. It is a matter of starting and each one of us, from our phones and emails we can do our bit so that, sooner rather than later, Venezuela will be what it once was.

So, not everything is lost friends.

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