A regular day in Venezuela

Venezuela at the moment is prob one of the worst 3rd world country.

Here you work 8 hours a day, prob 26 days per month to make 30$. That's the current salary, now, if you want to eat 3 times a day a whole month you have to spend about 250$ in food, now you're kinda getting my point.

Alright, normally a family has 2 salaries, (mom and dad), that leaves us in 60$ a month, which still, is not enought. An average family takes 2 meals per day here, and if they take 3, they do it in a really really small portion of food in each one.

Now, thats only food, but what if I get sick? Medicine is way too expensive too, and going to a hospital is like staying home but with more sick people, doctors take up to 5$ per consult, yeah it might seen like nothing to you, but remember that the salary here is 30$.

Security... Well, the police, the guards, military, everyone can steal your things here, police are thieves with uniform, you can't go out with your phone here, theres a 80% chance that you'll come home without it.

So basically, you can't go out, you barely eat and if you get really sick you're prob going to die due to the leaks of food, medicine and security.

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