Who are the "vegans"?

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Hi beautiful souls!

Have you ever heard someone call themselves as a "vegan"? Do you know what that word means? I like to think that that word is every day more common, but in case you haven't heard it or you just don't get it, I hope you give me the honor of explaining it to you. Before I start I need to clarify something. No, we are not a cult, neither a religion or bunch of bitter people as some vegans make us look haha. We are different persons trying to live a respectful life towards all sentient beings. What does that even mean? Well, we try to not consume, use or participate in anything that hurts or murder sentient beings. Ok, who are this "sentient beings"? Simple, beings that are alive and can be able to smell, touch, see, hear. This sounds like something we both can do right? Can you guess other sentients being? Yes! (I will think you guessed it) animals of course!

Have you cuddled with a dog? It's so cute how they just share their happiness right? Have you ever felt a dog's heart racing because it's scared? If you have been there for share it's happiness and scariest moments, you can agree with me that dogs are sentient beings? You know... cows, chickens, pigs, dogs, and cats can all get happy or scare. All of these beautiful animals have a wish of living their life. I like to think that most humans treasure life, because well, we are here living it right? As vegans, we treasure all livings life, that is why we let animals live it thoroughly by not use or consume them. We just want them to live free and mind their own business.

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So if vegans respect all animals life, now actions we do with that belief? We don't eat animal by-products as milk, eggs, honey, meat (chicken, pork, cow, any kind of meat). Why? because we love animals, and if you love your sister will you eat her? I hope not! I love animals and I decide to respect their bodies by letting them live, and not putting them on my body.

We don't wear products made by animals. Not leather shoes, or fox fur, neither snale lotion cream. Why? because nature is so intelligent that it gave every animal in earth special body functions. She gave the resistant beautiful skin to a cow for the cow to live in, not so we can have shiny shoes.

Animals are here in the earth with us, not for us.

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We don't go to see the polar bear in the Texa's zoo, neither we go to Sea World to see whales in what it is a bathtub for them Why? because it's practically jail for animals. Animals should be in their natural habitat, where they can thrive a good healthy life for them. I know that for some animals it's too late to go back from the zoo to the jungle, but let's stop taking them from their home. If we want to see an animal we should go to them, not bring them to us.

I know at this point it could look like a big no-no for everything, but we have our beliefs down. Here are some great yeeeees to a vegan lifestyle. We thrive on a delicious plant-based food (if you don't believe me check out my instagram). We have a lot more compassion to other humans and animals. We are more in touch with the planet earth (i think this make us look like hippies, but the connection is there). We save animals by not eating them. Our footprint is smaller than tha average human. We are changing the world. This all can sound crazy, I should make a different post about the great things that veganism gave me.

Meanwhile, I hope you have a better idea of what vegans stand for.

Love, Paloma

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