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How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world~ Anne Frank

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I went to an Anne Frank exhibition a few weeks ago with my mum. I visited the house where she hid with her family, which is now a museum, in Amsterdam in 2014 and something about her wide-eyed optimism connected with me. I guess, that's why so many people have read her diary and why an exhibition about her life came to my local library in the isolated city of Perth, halfway around the world.

She resonates with so many of us and her youthful determination to be someone important, an agent of change, stayed with me.

How a 34 year old Australian can be impacted by the words of a 14 year old Jewish girl written over 60 years ago is testament to how powerful she was despite her short life. I loathe the word 'inspiration'; it has become so commonplace that it fails to encapsulate its own definition, but she was nothing short of inspiring.

We all owe a great debt to those who have tried to change the world, no matter in how small a way.

So here I am, blinkers off, veil lifted, trying to affect change, one plate at a time- and I'm starting with those closest to me.

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