Lonely Vegan- Being the only Vegan You Know

My best friend threw me a DIRTY 30 birthday party! One of the best and most unexpected things is that she made me a vegan birthday cake, even though she's not vegan. Neither is my husband. And he made me vegan chili for lunch. Neither are most of my family and friends. Come to think of it, I can't even think of one person I'm close to that is also vegan.

This makes life challenging, sometimes. Meals out with friends, food days at work, visiting friends out of town, or having them come visit my home, always causes the slightest bit of anxiety. Eating with my husband never does. Though he eats meat and dairy, he is always happy to enjoy vegan meals and try new vegan restaurants and foods with me. He has cut down on his animal product intake greatly, I think mainly by proxy, but also because he knows the health benefits. It's just obvious. He supports me and I think it's important to let people come to their own terms. I would never force him to go vegan just as he would never force me to eat something from an animal.

I think being vegan is cool. So, the fact that I worry about what to eat when it comes to friends and coworkers has nothing to do with what they think of me, but rather, how it may inconvenience them. I hate causing trouble for others and I don't want my friends to go hungry at my house or find nothing appetizing on a menu because I chose the restaurant. I also grew up in the south and learned quickly that the best way to offend someone is not to eat the food they slaved over for you. I love it when people want me to try something they think is delicious. That means they want me to experience the same pleasure they got from eating it. Even if is from an animal, it's still very thoughtful and generous.

All this is to say, I am grateful for my husband, my friends, and my family who may at times give me a hard time to be silly, but completely support my lifestyle choice and even go out of their way to make me comfortable and happy! And little do they realize that, by doing so, they are saving animal lives, preventing animal cruelty, and helping our environment! HA! I TRICKED YOU INTO BEING A HIPPY!! ;)

Check out my latest video from my DIRTY 30 Roaring 20s themed birthday party! I dressed as a flapper to say goodbye to the Roaring 20s!

VEGAN Birthday Cake//DIRTY 30 Birthday Party Roaring 20s Themed

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