Biocentrism: The Case Against Veganism

Perhaps the creepiest part of most commercial products is the misuse of the word "love".

Do you love goldfish?
Have some goldfish crackers! Yum yum!

Love cows?
Sorry - love paying for someone to take milk from a cow having just given birth and whose calf is taken away so those precious milk drops can be consumed by you instead of her own infant, so the fresh milk can be kept flowing to customers demanding their slight opiate hit of calf growth fluid, wondering why they're getting fat, sick, obese, on diabetic medication, and dying?

Such obvious and hellacious hypocrisy has turned many a now-vegan stomach.

Yet, it seems that no-one noticed that we're still enslaving and murdering sentient beings.
I'm referring to plants.

Though we may not need meat, we do know that we're herbivores at the very least, and that animals get their nutrition from plants.

Regardless of the argument of lions or cats being carnivorous, or humans being herbivores, these arguments are biocentric, relating to our biology, DNA, and teeth skeletal structure.

I initially titled this with "anarcho-sentientism", but then realized it was an equal hypocrisy to veganism, in that sentient beings are specified... as being what to eat.
Namely, plants.

Rendering anarcho-sentientism a non-starter.

The multiple-phrased anarcho-bio-centrism also just looked like a nightmare to attempt to shorten - bio-anarchosm? anarcho-bio-centrism?...???

And then I wondered if anarchism was relevant at all, and realized that the argument from biology is overtly stating that morality takes a backseat to biology.

Therefore, just as cats and lions are obligate carnivores, so to are humans #obligate #herbivores.

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