Vegan Anarchy: 'Vegans are extremists'


Anarchists and voluntaryists, those lunatics who believe that all human interaction should be voluntary and consensual, are some of the most demonised and misunderstood members of society.

Anarchists have come to the spiritual understanding that all human beings are sovereign and should be free, free to live their lives without a political ruling class extorting and violating them on a daily basis.

They are often ridiculed for championing the ideas of freedom, non-aggression and self-ownership, for suggesting that human beings would be better off without a violent gang of control freaks (politicians) imposing their will on society with their numerous fictitious 'laws' and 'regulations'. Anarchists understand that the greatest injustices throughout history -- slavery, genocide, mass murder -- were all once legal and carried out under the guise of 'law and order'.

When they point out that government and political authority is the biggest mass murderer in human history, and we would all be better off without its presence in our lives, they are labelled 'extremists' and 'radicals'.

Similarly vegans, those kooks who extend the non-aggression principle to animals and understand that humans have no legitimate right to enslave, torture, and murder hundreds of billions of creatures each year in the name of animal agriculture, are also wrongly demonised and mischaracterized by the media.

Vegansism, at its core, is an ideology based in compassion, love, and respect for all sentient beings and inhabitants of planet Earth. But, if you have been following the UK media lately, you may have come away with the impression that veganism is 'extreme' and that its advocates are potentially dangerous and/or violent.

This couldn't be further from the truth.

In this upside-down Orwellian nightmare reality we have created for ourselves, those who speak truth to power and seek to advance our species in any kind of moral or spiritual capacity are vilified and mocked. While those who maintain the status quo and perpetuate the myth that humans and animals need to be violently ruled over by 'authority' are respected and idolised.

Whichever way the media tries to spin it, choosing to NOT pay for the mass slaughter of pigs, cows, chickens, goats and fish is not extreme. Choosing, instead, to eat healthier, plant-based alternatives while promoting a lifestyle of non-violence and compassion towards all sentient beings is the next spiritual evolutionary step for mankind.


Paying for animals to be rounded up and exterminated to satisfy our base pleasures of taste and smell is extreme. Voting for a psychopathic gang of politicians, who routinely instigate wars of aggression that threaten our very existence, and thinking they have our best interests at heart, is extreme.

Vegans and anarchists are not 'extremists', they are revolutionaries, standing on the shoulders of giants, who dare to dream of a world with no rulers or masters. No slaves, wars, politicians, drone strikes, slaughterhouses or animal killing floors. A world in which both humans and animals can live in harmony, governed not by the legislative authority of man, but the cosmic moral laws of the universe.

Thanks for reading, In Lak'ech.

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