Vegan Anarchy: Do animals have the right to life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness?


"We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness."

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, as Thomas Jefferson acknowledged in the Declaration of Independence, are the innate rights of every human being.

Whether rich, poor, black or white, Cosmic Intelligence, the great architect of the universe and all its inhabitants, has organised nature so as to grant men and women with sovereignty over their bodies, for each man and woman is the monarch of their own thoughts, emotions, and actions.

Anarchists, of course, affirm this truth in their rejection of political authority and governmental control, understanding that no president, prime minister, king or queen has any legitimate claim of ownership of any man's flesh or labour; for we are Kings and Queens created in the image of God, and we are all destined to realise our own innate Royalty.

(Gnostic digital art by Bruce Rolff)

Having seen through the illusion of political authority and living their lives in accordance with the cosmic moral laws of the universe, anarchists, those rebels who refuse to cooperate with tyranny, abide by the principles of non-aggression and self-ownership, and do not infringe upon the natural rights of any other human being.

Many anarchists, however, are oblivious to the natural rights of those beings we have ruled, dominated, and mass-murdered for time immemorial - the animals.

While anarchists acknowledge the hidden divinity embedded in each man and woman, they discard cows, pigs, chickens, goats and many other creatures as if they were soulless automatons, forgetting that they were created by the same intelligence which granted man his natural rights.

Animals, too, were designed with the same desire for life, liberty, and their own unique pursuit of happiness: send a cow to the slaughterhouse, and he will fight for his life. Lock a pig in a cage, and he will squeal for his freedom. Separate a dog from his companion, and he will slump into a depression. These truths should be self-evident, but man has become so separated and disconnected from nature that he would deny his own spiritual bond with the animal kingdom and butcher his fellow earthlings in the most cruel fashion.

Pigs dispatched to the slaughterhouse are denied their right to life; cows subject to perpetual rape and artificial insemination on a dairy farm are denied their liberty; and any creature separated from his family at birth is denied happiness.

How can we, as supposed beings of moral conscience and intelligence, campaign for liberty and justice for humans whilst being complicit in the most horrendous acts of injustice and cruelty towards our non-human companions?

Is this not the definition of insanity?

Our duty to Earth and its inhabitants isn't to enslave, rule, and murder, it is to guide, heal, and collectively evolve as a unified consciousness. To rephrase the wise words of Thomas Jefferson: We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all sentient beings are sovereign, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness."

Thanks for reading, 'In Lakech

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