🥑 🍓🍌 Onions Cry But Pigs Don't 🥑 🍓🍌

Onions cry or will at least bring tears to your eyes

But Pigs won't.

Cut their tails without fail, drown all the fishes and clip the wings of caged birds because onions cry

But they don't.

Ain't nothing like a good fight unless you are fighting for the right, then you're the biggest prick in sight. Why?

Well because onions cry.

We must love those who hate and hate those who love and pretend our position on top of the blood... I mean food pyramid was ordained from above.

Freedom by any means unless we are the ones doing the enslavement. In that case, freedom fighters are self-centered wannabes.

All for the sake of crying onion rings.

Skin and muscles, bones and teeth are all good to eat.

But protein... you can't get from leaves.

If it moos let's milk it. If it runs let's ride it. If it lay eggs let's force it to lay them for us. Yes, let's drown the fish.

And once they are of no more use and we are let's kill them and have a feast under the midnight sun.

Because when onions cry any injustice can be justified.

King Anima.

In honor of my dog who was just stoned by a random cunt.

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