To whom does war benefit?

Wars had been part and parcel of humanity.Different nations have know different types of wars at different moments of their development.Well at the end nobody retains the lessons of wars as at every step of their growth all get involved in some sorts of wars!One thing is common in all wars_someone creates it and someone benefits from it.Most certainly the former and the latter are the same person.Divide and rule had been the motive of imperial powers.Even today they are.African countries don't have basic necessities yet children loiter with sophisticated guns made and supplied by superrpowers.From where they get the arms?The most, sacastically, amusing fact about wars is brothers fighting brothers!Irak,Iran and Syrian wars are among brothers themselves.The epic war of india,The Mahabharata too was fought brothers themselves.Time to find the ones who are the beneficiaries of wars.stijn-swinnen-259744.jpg

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