I look forward to using this service

Hi all, I’m Patrick Davey. I appreciate what steemit has to offer and i look forward to using this service to post truth of the world around us.. I’m a 50+ male living in Australia...I have researched a lot of things relating to medical fraud in the world we live and it breaks my heart that there are organisations, corporations and people backing up these Corporations that are harming us all, and have nefarious agendas.

What breaks my heart the most, is that we have been brainwashed so badly, that regular people hold to their enslavers teachings from childhood, its deeply embedded. We are not taught critical thinking, we are taught to follow, to believe without critical information, without proper science. Most dangerously, we are not taught to be open to criticism of our learned world view, ego and pride.

I’m hoping that this can change on steemit, as most know the censorship is unreal on many social media sites. My biggest hope is that Steemit is altering the collective narrative, and gets us all talking on the same level, relatively on the same page so that we can take down these corporate bandits that run our affairs and hopefully get our people cleaned out physically and spiritually.

There is so much proof of the entities that give us “the rules”, that they are involved in serious medical fraud(particularly including vaccine science) and many choose not to engage in acknowledging or fixing it all. If someone told me something I was doing may be killing my baby, I WOULD look into it, whether it contradicted what I know, or feel is correct. I believe there should be no pride or ego tied to the truth. It exists by itself




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