Pre Christmas Homeless Bashing

I was just in the 7-11 at Trilby and 287 this morning getting my coffee when the new assistant manager decided it would be a good idea to brow beat me for having a food stamp card. I mentioned I didn't have one when I was working there and she decided to explain how easy it is to get a job. Is she a clerk or a social worker? Does she have a lot of experience being over sixty, homeless and living in a van? Is there a new 7-11 policy to harass food stamp recipients because I'd have been (properly) shown the door had I treated any customer with such disrespect.

A short time later, I was unplugging from the Conoco sign to make my daily rounds when Officer Friendly accosted me to let me know they were banning me from the 7-11 property. I was already going to be evicted at the end of the month due to the change in ownership.

This was nothing more than a déclassé move to evict me for a legitimate customer service complaint. I hope it adds to their holiday cheer to chase off the homeless guy right before Xmas.

Officer Mike did his best to intimidate me after I handed him one of my biz cards (while suggesting he follow me closely on social media). I deferred on giving him my birthday since I didn't sense a good deal of enthusiasm on his part concerning buying me a present next year. He was a bit perturbed by this, acting as if he'd have to do some in depth research to confirm I am me. Maybe just run my tags there Sherlock? There were a couple of notable interactions. I made sure to point out my visibility on social media early on so when I threw Officer Mike my patented line about living "in the high mountain meadows" for the last two years he looked at me and said "This doesn't look like a meadow, is that what you tell your audience on YouTube?" I looked at him and said "I am not surprised that metaphor and artistic license are lost on you. I can assure you that everyone knows where I have been living. I post everything Mike. You'd have to be the least observant officer in Fort Collins if you didn't know I've been living in this exact spot for the last two years so (paraphrased) quit pissing on my leg and pretending it's raining".

We parted friends. I think.


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