No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

I went to Walmart today to purchase a few items (propane, food, and a Coleman camp stove). I figured it was about time to get a portable stove even though I've gone two years without one. I got a small Coleman single burner butane powered unit for under twenty bucks. Came in a nice plastic carrying case that I'll have to store somewhere. I also had to buy a couple pans to go with the stove. A small cast iron fry pan and a three quart sauce pot. I cooked a can of Hormel tamales this evening. It was my first "home cooked" meal inside Nellybelle in two years. It's not really 'cooking' but I wasn't up to a lot of culinary magic given the lateness of the day and my single burner limitations. Adding anything new to the van almost always entails moving and shifting almost everything else that's already in here. I'd already planned on reshuffling the van this afternoon anyway because I decided to add a wall behind my cot. I'll document that iteration on instagram or youtube soon.

I also added oil and antifreeze to Nellybelle today. In the process of adding antifreeze, I inadvertently spilled a bit on the serpentine belt that runs the power steering, a/c, water pump and alternator causing it to come off the pulleys. Luck was with me as I was very close to a friend's house when the belt came off so I landed in his driveway for the rest of the day. I stayed busy with the interior van project. I'd hit Home Depot before Walmart and purchased materials for that project and I wanted to get those installed and out of the way. There's not a lot of extra room for odds and ends in the van, let alone a half a sheet of plywood! I'll tackle fiddling that belt back onto Nellybelle in the morning. The good news is that my latest change inside Nellybelle went about as smoothly as could be. I didn't get finished up and get the van relivable until almost nine pm. It's past ten now. I'm about to crash here in my friend's driveway. It's surprisingly dark and quiet compared to the parking lots I usually inhabit. I hope I can get a good night's sleep under such optimum conditions. I do have the wind whipping wildly this evening on account of that approaching snow storm tomorrow. It's one of my favorite things to hear as I lay in my cot at night. Another is rain, but we get much more wind than rain here in the high mountain meadows.


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