The Turkish Van Cat, Is it sweet ?


Cleaning Cats have more sense than other animals. Need to keep a clean living space both in themselves show great care in cleaning. After using the toilet, the toilet no longer have to bury their instincts. With the help of the toilet and after eating the mouth and face are clean. Van cats are superior hunting properties. Inside and outside the house mouse, lizard, bird, fly and hunt small vermin places. They live poultry outside the home attack to nest. Van cats like to live in a family environment with people. If you are not associated with the people or the very least start to become wild. Van cats love to be loved and to love and commitment shown to him lovingly responds. Love is more than demand, especially during pregnancy. They are very close to their owners and lovers. When they see strangers react and escape. Go into the arms of those who love him, stroking lightly bite the hand is located in the mansion shows the love and murmuring. Of the owner, to love other cats and small children are jealous. Van cats heir belief that deafness de-eye (Diskromatops) and blue-eyed cats are deaf, but around 2-3%. Van cats voluntarily swimming in the water and likes to play with water as the only cat species are known.

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