
I was watching a movie and it was amazing. It inspired me to think about how we manifest things and how we either take action or we just stay on dreams. Everything we like and dream starts with a thought. It's that simple , all we need to do it think of something we want. With the thought we attach the feeling and here is the crazy part, we manifested our idea into the world so that it can start making it a reality for us.

So whats the catch, if it's that simple? As we grow we close ourselves from recieving things from the universe. How is that possible? We learn to close ourselves off when things get difficult or when things hurt. But the key is to fail, so that we can learn. IF you look at a childs mind its all innocent and he feels he is a super hero that can make anything happen even if he fails he keeps trying. As we grow older we prevent ourselves to feel that freedom, we close ourselves from wealth and happiness.

We all need to start learning how to take failures as accomplishments. What i mean by that is that the path we tried didn't work so we know what won't work now it's time to try another path and see if it will work. Trial and error are ways to succeeding in anything we want. Example when we learn how to walk, we fell couple times before we managed to know how to balance and how to walk. It is the same as everything else in the world.

I noticed we like to over complicate things, and stop ourselves from doing things. Question is why? FEAR Is the answer. We are controlled by fear which keeps us from achieving greatness. We need CHANGE THAT, and start truely living. Once we get our thoughts it is time for action and taking risks. With out trying and taking a risk we will never know what we were truely capable off. If i don't try to put myself out there or for example here write a blog, I will never know if i can inspire anyone or not. One way to do that is to write and share and see the outcome. Worst case scenerio is no one reads it.. best case scenrio is people will get value.

In the end i would like to wrap it up with a saying make the day mean something, not just say have a nice day. The power is all in us we have it , but we need to dig for it. change.jpg

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