History of Valentine's Day

History of Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day has its roots first, in Roman history, and then later, in a conversion from Pagan traditions to Christianity

The most populadownload (4).jpgr legend of St Valentine seems to be connected to a third century priest in Rome, named St Valentine, who outlawed marriage for soldiers, stating that married men were distracted by their wives while away at war.

Valentine, would then marry couples in secret. When Emperor Claudius II found out, he put Valentine to death, thus making him a martyr for his religious beliefs.

The actual date, 14th February, is theorised to originate from two places:

It is believed that St. Valentine died somewhere in the middle of February, and that this date is to commemorate his death.

There is also a theory stemming from the Christian church creating "Valentine's Day" to coincide with the celebration of the pagan celebration of Lupercalia. Lupercalia was a fertility festival devoted to the Roman god, Faunus. Faunus (Pan in Greek mythology) was known to be the god of all nature. You may recognise elements of Mr Tumnus of The Chronicles of Narnia in Pan/Faunus, as Tumnus was a Faun too.

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