
I am a parent. What does that mean? I dunno. Stephan Molenieux (whom I greatly respect) has a lot to say about being a parent libertarian/anarchist. Basically, the dilemma centers around allowing your child as much free choice as possible while 'enforcing' (I hate that word) the rules of the household (e.g. brush your teeth, make peeps, change into PJs.). Kids adapt well to structure, but the truth is that a parent must teach his/her child to deal with the curveballs of life. So therein lies the irony. Kudos to all the parents out there. Teach your children the principle of non-aggression, and practice it as best you can. What else can be expected from a (flawed) person but to try. It's so funny. I google 'parenting' to find an appropriate image to attach to this post, but the search returns a lot of vaginas. If u dont believe me, google 'parenting' and click on 'images' (turn 'safe search' to "off"). Lol

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