Bajai Life Camp 17.24: Day 505

Bajai Life Camp 17.24: Day 505
Wednesday October 24 2018
Miami, Florida
27.65% stirring-not-shaking

There's a look I'm going for with the upper body. Wide upper-upper back. Thick shoulders. Protruding chest. The look that makes the shirt just drop.... hang down over the waistline, completely covering the torso without betraying a hint of belly.
20181005-KC by Denisa.png
I'm getting there... I think. But I'm not there yet. Nonetheless I remain optimistic and determined to the point of not only achieving the look... but maintaining it when I do.

The rambunctious cats make the morning exercise difficult, although they get plenty. They are still full of energy, but they wind down earlier in the day, now that we let the morning sun in.

A note on the "Free Media".

I have been tempted, and remain so, to compile a weekly account of what I think are the most insightful and enlightening comments from the voices I listen to. But, it's too much work. I'm not that dedicated, nor am I very motivated, (yet) to share information I'm not sure of, with an audience of predominantly close-minded (to anything other than their familiar paradigm) indoctrinated individuals. Although, I must admit there's something inside that compels me to spread information I agree with. That must be my humanity slipping out.

Of course, this could all change.

No Beach

Funny... despite the weather and a reasonably short bus trip to the beach, I've had no compunction to go. It's as if it's not even there. As I prepare, mentally as well, to go to the grey gloom of Philly, one would think I'd want as much beach time as possible. But I'm content sitting in the spot most of the day, creating, cleaning, exercising and relaxing. When I get back to Philly I intend to get into a gym and a gym routine and get some solid results.

Few hours before I'm on the bus. Once again... the nervousness kicks in. Worried I might miss my ride. Won't have a ride to the station... etc. I should be able to get a Lyft. This is Miami!!

About five hours away now. I might doze for a bit, then get up a be active. Tomorrow starts now!

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