Bajai Life Camp 17.2: Day 501

Bajai Life Camp 17.2: Day 501
Saturday October 20, 2018
Miami, Florida
27.43% looking forward

Day 500 is a milestone although it doesn't represent a "hard percentage" or an anniversary. Nonetheless I still feel like it's a break in the timeline and I should start something new today. Maybe I'll dig out my trx-ish nylons and test my upper-upper body strength.
mencken meme 10-20-18.jpg
Keep this in mind when you're choosing up sides to support.

I have to get out early today, get some supplies and do "me-tenance." Tidy up the spot.

Caturday - for some reason my feet were on the menu. Both varmints felt compelled, or privileged to attack my feet. Maybe they smelled something they liked.

Anyway, back to the morning work, so I can get out. Maybe find a farmer's market today.

Park Workout
Strong after a slow pre-start. Five sets of rope and squats in between. Stronger front lever practice. Ten burpees, picnic table sit up, a set of behind the neck pull ups, abs and shoulder work. Standing mule kicks.

My smoothie place was closed, so I had a Hagan Daz milkshake instead... after a long walk around trying to find a similar spot. No bad results from the shake.

Today was meatless. Not even chicken and I did get my ACV, vitamins etc. So far so good. I've been back since Tuesday and I've made it to the park every day since, except Friday.


Keep it moving. I stayed up late working.

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