Bajai Life Camp 17.18: Day 499

Bajai Life Camp 17.18: Day 499
Mendoza Ave
Thursday October 18, 2018
Miami, Florida
27.32% adapting

Woke kind of early. I don't know if the kitten walking on me woke me up, or if that was just an excuse. For a split second, I didn't know what it was.
break free.jpg
Where did the knife come from??

The feisty kittens are exploring their new home, which means nothing is safe. I try to keep them away from my devices and chords, for their own safety. If they can learn early, the better for everybody. Cats destroy stuff... or at least damage it. It's not worth it to me. But this isn't about me, so I work with it.

That's what Dads do.

I got some pushups done without too much interference from the cats. I'm catching up on my uploads as well as the series. But I need to get out and find some resources... a new sd card for in thing... but first, eat.

There's this nagging head issue, between the temples and the ears. I'm wondering if it's wifi. Or maybe the flight. It's only been two days. I hear it takes three. I've flown twice this year. Two doubles actually. Miami-Madrid-Frankfurt and Madrid-Lisbon-Miami. I may fly to NOLA, I better hurry and decide.

Slow day. Mostly chillin and chores. But maybe the park this eve.

Park Workout

Jump rope. Burpees... 10. Picnic table dips and sit ups. Wall pushups, two sets. Wall sit, pike pushups, park bench. Bear crawls, fwd, bwd, sidewards. Handstand... held it freestanding briefly. Band curls on picnic table. Low bar hang. Plange attempt. Triceps dips. Pull ups with backpack. Protein shake.

That covers it I think. I want to stretch tonight. I'm returning to sun salutations in parts.

It took me a while, but I got to it.

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