Bajai Life Camp 17.14: Day 495 - Back to Madrid and into the Boonies

Bajai Life Camp 17.14: Day 495
Hotel Corona de Castilla
Sunday October 14, 2018
Burgos, Spain
27.1% travel ready

It was dark at 08:00. It amazes me how much noise happens in this hotel. Can't do much about screaming kids I suppose. But there's banging and slamming and strange sounds above. And there's the sounds of the metal blinds being opened, furniture being moved across the floor. All of this occurs between 8 & 9 am. I guess it means it's time for me to get up.

More than usual, I think I'm prepared to leave... not just ready. It's been a decent four days. I mentioned the work accomplished. The purge of unnecessary stuff... which wasn't as much as I thought, but I have lots more room in my smaller bag. I expect it will be lighter as well. We shall find out in an hour.

Meanwhile, the bus schedule is recorded, I've eaten. I can go for a tea, or wait until I get to the Estacion.

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And that reminds me; since I've been in Burgos, I have not been starting my day with a cup of tea. I think that's why I wake up drowsy. Or, I could be making excuses. I always wake up drowsy. It's the process of waking up, is it not? Anyway... some days I don't have my first cup of tea until afternoon. Maybe I'll hold out today. Drink less.

The train ride should be pretty nice today. It's a Renfe I think. Not sure how the crowd will be. Madrid is popular. This might have been a holiday weekend... so... But there's generally plenty of space on these trains.

Strategically I left at the exact time that would ensure my longest wait for the bus. Not a problem, normally. Today, however, it's raining. Not hard, but steady enough to make an impact. And it's kind of cold. Chilly actually.. 10°C. Above 40°F, but the rain makes it feel clammy. Worse. I can take it. I'm a soldier. I wonder what the weather is like in Madrid. I've already decided to catch a cab. Less complex and more direct than the metro.

So right now I'm just killin time, waiting for the 25!

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I'm coming to the conclusion that most cities have only a handful, at best, of sightseeing attractions. You visit them, take your selfie and move on. This may be why most people travel. This is not the case with me. I'm going to have to find something else, in addition to coaching English.

A 15:25 departure time was stuck in my head. It's wrong, by an hour. I even looked at my ticket. Checked the date, but not the time. Luckily I didn't dawdle. I'm here in plenty of time to be an hour off. It's one less hour I imagined sitting around here.

But since I'm here. The Burgos Estacion is nice. Modern, spacious. Of course I'm here off peak so it might be hectic normally. There's a nice cafe here. Very roomy. The tables are spread out, which suggests it never gets too crowded. The bartender, or lady in charge is gorgeous and friendly... at least to me, the two times I've been here. I think she speaks English, but I've only spoken Spanish to her. I feel she knows I'm still new at it and allows me to practice.

The seating in the station itself is also spread out. It looks like people don't wait here very often. Speaking of waiting... looks like my train is fifteen minutes late. I've noticed that even when a train arrives late at a station it can still arrive on time at it's final destination.

There are three bus lines that serve the station. Only one of them operates on Sunday. They all make stops at Plaza Espana, which is the main event it seems. There are other connections and the plaza is a short walk to the cathedral.

My esteemed and helpful ticket master in Palencia took advantage of the language barrier and booked me first class on this train to Madrid. Or, maybe he figured by my jeans and hoodie that I was a high roller. Or maybe I was a little too free with the plastic. Whatever. I'll have a chance to see how the first class... unica, (if indeed this means first class) passengers live. (*This turned out to be a bogus assessment. Rather than delete it, count it as another mistake I've made. Own them, learn from them. I don't think there was a first class on this medium distance train.)

I think I hit some new muscles yesterday pulling that band. Good sore. I'll have to add that into the routine. I'll need a routine when I get to Miami. I'm out ten days later... actually less than ten.

The Boonies

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The train ride was uneventful. I practiced drawing and a lot if doodling left handed. I discovered the pen feels different to may left hand. I think this suggests a difference in tactile receptors. Maybe when this improves my control will improve also.

Estacion Chanmartin has free wifi. It kicked and I was able to request a Cabify instead of a taxi. The ¢ price was steep, but I trust it beat the commercial rate. My driver was right out front but I missed him in the crowd, circled once and then we connected. He didn't speak much English so I got to practice Spanish. Not only talking but listening as well. As many Spaniards he says his children speak better than him.

This SHS is out in the boonies. A great place for an airport hotel. Free shuttle, ten minutes away. Very bad if you want to meet friends. It's hard to get to also. You have to loop around in a circle to get to the entrance. There's an automatic gate that let's you in. The scam is, you have to pay to get out. As I checked in I saw my driver at the desk. He was given a coin. This was my deduction.

I had a lame sammich here named after Philadelphia, only it was Filadelfia. I was expecting more. However I was hungry and it was technically my first meal of the day. The room is huge. More than I need, but I'll take it. I think maybe I'll try the cruise again next year. It's a nice way to get home.

The purge and adjustments did make a difference in carrying the bags. Or I could be stronger. To that end maybe I'll work out a little again.

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