Vaccines are medical terrosim

This was originally posted by The Unfake Media at

It is one of the most disgusting scams ever perpetrated on the people and it is the medical establishments vaccine agenda.

Edward Jenner is the father of immunology, and he invented the first vaccine back in the 1700s. He also happens to have been a master mason initiated into Lodge of Faith and Friendship #449 in Gloucestershire England he then served as the worshipful master of Royal Berkeley Lodge of Faith and Friendship.

There has been a disturbing trend of people calling for mandatory vaccines. And new laws have been going on the books requiring people to be vaccinated. If you support mandatory vaccines, you are an enemy of humanity and will be punished for supporting such an evil thing as mandatory vaccination.

A lot of these diseases that they claim to have eradicated with vaccines have been shown to have been not cured and just renamed as something else. And the diseases that have went away did not go away because of vaccines but because of the improving of sanitation and the better preserving of food with refrigeration and other methods.

We have got wiser about not throwing are sewage out the window into the street and therefore a lot of nasty sickness and disease has ceased from effecting people.

The people behind pushing these toxic vaccines on people are some really twisted monsters.

The nasty things that they are putting in these vaccines will really shock you! Here are some of the most disgusting and shocking things found in vaccines.

  1. Mercury

  2. Formaldehyde

  3. GMOs

  4. Aluminum

  5. Aborted fetuses

There are plenty of other nasty things found in vaccines those 5 are some of the most disgusting.

The fact is that when you get the flu shot you are not going to be protected and you will likely still get the flu anyway. And actually vaccines have caused a lot of outbreaks of the diseases that they claim to protect you from.

The vaccine agenda has employed countless shills to propagate their agenda and attack people who speak out against this huge deception. If you search vaccines do not be surprised when you will find endless amounts of pro vaccine propaganda and lies coming from these horrible dis-info outlets that claim to be science based when in fact they are nothing but the opposite. The “scientific” establishment is a controlled mouthpiece for the New World Order and they facilitate many NWO agendas like the vaccine agenda, the global warming agenda, the GMO agenda, the big pharma agenda and many other evil agendas.

Vaccines are being used to dumb down society and depopulate society. The fraud medical system plays a big part in this NWO by keeping you sick and suppressing real medicine that is not Rockefeller owned quackery.

The side effects from vaccines are really nasty horrible things that screw people up for life. Here are a few ones that should make you think twice about having that needle jabbed into your body.

  1. Permanent brain damage

  2. Deafness

  3. Pneumonia

  4. Vomiting

  5. Nausea

  6. Anaphylaxis

  7. Arthritis

  8. Death

There where just a few of the many side effects that can happen from vaccines.

The US government has paid out over 3 billion dollars for vaccine injuries and that just goes to show that it is a total lie that vaccines are safe. Here is a link to the report showing how much they have paid out from the HRSA.

Something that ties back to what we were saying earlier about Freemasonry is that Shriner hospitals have been shown to not do surgeries for children that are not vaccinated. This is from my own experience when members of my family were denied surgery unless they had a vaccine.

The whole idea that you can catch a cold from someone else by shaking their hand is a false idea perpetrated by these fraud liars. When someone claims to have caught a sickness from someone it is not because the person that was ill spread that sickness to the other person but it is caused by something in the environment that both of those people are exposed to. On the other hand bad habits and emotions are contagious so choose your friends wisely.

You should at all costs avoid having any vaccines given to you or your children. We must put a stop to the medical terrorism of vaccination! Mandatory vaccination is a hill to die on and compromising with this abomination is immoral.

Copyright by The Unfake Media 2017

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