Smallpox Vaccine History in Perspective

You see it all over the MSM, "vaccines are safe", "vaccines save millions of lives", "vaccines do not cause autism", etc... We have been indoctrinated to believe these things implicitly, but what often amazes me are people who don't trust anything about any of the establishment narratives -- except this!

Doesn't it seem like a red flag that all MSM outlets push the same narrative, practically word for word? Nothing else they tell you is true but the vaccine narrative is golden? Really? Open your eyes! You've broken through cognitive dissonance that holds up American exceptionalism, endless war, false flags, manufactured consent, but damned if you'll let go of the vaccine narrative, the science is settled! Does that really make any sense?

Truly awake people call it the "pro-vax orthodoxy" because it is very much a religion, based on fraudulent science going back hundreds of years -- back to a time well before doctors washed their hands between patients! A time when bloodletting was a mainstream practice, and dunking was being tried to cure rabies.

Edward Jenner, often called the father of modern vaccination, implemented a crude and often very harmful regimen trying to prevent smallpox outbreaks, that too often caused sepsis and transmitted syphilis to babies. Many parents recognized this and thus the anti-vax movement was born.

Objective historians, who aren't too busy swooning over the "miracle" of vaccines, believe that smallpox vaccination programs actually prolonged the presence of smallpox, rather than curtailed it. Here's a bit of historical perspective:

England, 1852: Compulsory vaccination against smallpox introduced.
1857-1859: Smallpox epidemic kills 14,244 people.
1863-1865: Another epidemic kills 20,059 people.
1867: Even stricter vaccination law passed, including prosecution for those who refuse.
1871: Chief Medical Officer of England announces vaccination rate of 97.5% has been achieved.
1872: Worst ever smallpox epidemic, 44,840 people die.
1898: Vaccination Act amended to allow conscientious objections.
1907: Vaccination Act repealed.

By 1919, vaccination rates in England and Wales had plummeted, there were 28 deaths attributed to smallpox, out of population of 37.8 million. It was not due to efficacy of the smallpox vaccine, it was an advent of better sanitation! But common myths about this perpetuate and form the foundation of the orthodoxy -- it's all based on a lie, from the ground up.

I plan to write more on related topics, but your key takeaway from this should be, there is no golden child amongst the MSM narratives, they are all shit, designed to fool us into compliance. Do some research, don't reject those who question vaccines out of hand, they are amongst the most awake people you will find.

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