Possible Murder Charges For Those Responsible For Dengvaxia Deaths As A New Probe Into The Debacle Begins!

The current president of the Philippines is advising murder charges be brought against those responsible for the deaths caused by the dengvaxia vaccine. This is a significant step up from the criminal negligence charges that are already being discussed but as we look deeper things become more murky.


Murder Charges For Those Involved In Deaths From Dengvaxia?

Public Attorney’s Office chief Persida Rueda-Acosta revealed that president Duterte had advised back n February that those responsible for the dengvaxia debacle be tried for murder. This is a major step up in the fight back against the producer or these dangerous chemicals Sanofi Pasteur.

Would such murder charges even be considered in the US or EU against these people?

More to the point the advice to file murder charges was unheeded. Instead complaints were filed for criminal negligence and reckless imprudence resulting in homicide. The charges stopped there according to Rueda-Acosta because they lacked pertinent documents.

With the number of deaths still rising how many more deaths need to occur before this becomes what it should be a murder investigation. Sanofi has lots of backing and has plans to roll the dengvaxia vaccine out around the world.

Sanofi were paid upfront for all the vaccines and have plenty of money to engage in corruption. I do not have any evidence for this but I can be certain that Sanofi is doing its best at damage limitation and trying to stop these charges escalating into murder charges.

Isn't murder, Murder or did I miss something?

I am certain that the family of the dead children have something to say about this but I get a whiff of PR damage limitation going on when I search the web.

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House Of Representatives To Reopen Dengvaxia Probe

As if ongoing criminal proceedings were not enough the government's house of representatives is set to reopen its own dengvaxia probe next week.

A draft report of a joint investigation into the dengvaxia controversy was completed but the two parties compiling the report failed to agree on the draft. Again I smell manipulation!

The draft report recommended the filing of criminal and administrative charges against all involved in the “procurement and registration” of dengvaxia however it does not extend to the name those who should be charged. It has not been ruled out that the previous president may face trial for the procurement of dengvaxia while it was "still undergoing clinical trials"

What???? This Stinks!

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The cheek of these people and their marketing. What about caring about those you kill with your vaccine?!? 😡

Do Death & Corruption Share The Same Stench?

This current situation is ludicrous. Sanfoi had previously claimed that it had been working on dengvaxia for 20 years which sounds too much like a lie. They got the government to pay upfront for vaccinating all these children and the vaccine is now admitted to have been still in clinical trials!

If it is still in the trial stage why would you want to vaccinate a million children with it? Or perhaps those children were part of the "clinical trials"? My point here is that dengvaxia is clearly dangerous and this mess should be cleaned up from the top. I am sure there was lots of corruption going on and there still is. Something stinks!

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Drug Dealing & Corruption On A Global Scale!

I agree that the officials responsible for these deaths (especially the ones who were bribed) be criminally prosecuted. Is a murder charge warranted? I do not have any experience in that territory so I am unsure as to the answer. Personally I agree with president Duterte and believe these actions and corruption lead to murder, especially if it was known that dengvaxia was still in "clinical trials".

However all this seems to be happening only within the Philippines. What about the real shareholders and beneficiaries of Sanofi Pasteur? It is my contention that they need to be extradited if necessary from Switzerland to face the charges in the Philippines. After all they were the ultimate beneficiaries and deal makers that lead to all these deaths.

I have previously done a Named & Shamed post on Sanofi's David Loew who is became became Head Global Commercial Operations Sanofi Pasteur in January 2016. I suggest we start to look at David's involvement in this scandal and bring him to court along with all the others involved because clearly David was part of this massive operation.

Europeans responsible for this deal should not escape prosecution for their role in this crime!


Image sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

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