RE: RE: Dengvaxia Cases Moving Forward - Charges For Sanofi Philippine Employees But Why Not For Executive Board?
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RE: Dengvaxia Cases Moving Forward - Charges For Sanofi Philippine Employees But Why Not For Executive Board?

RE: Dengvaxia Cases Moving Forward - Charges For Sanofi Philippine Employees But Why Not For Executive Board?

The human immune system is not designed to have foreign proteins in the bloodstream, because before we developed the ability to inject things into the body with needles, there was no way for foreign proteins to get into the bloodstream except for overwhelming infection, and thus our bodies presume that foreign proteins in the bloodstream means overwhelming infection. Our bodies try very hard to control entry and exit into the bloodstream and the only routes of entry allowed by the body is by absorption through membranes like the intestines and lungs.

Most infections occur at these membrane interfaces and the human body has a different immunoglobulin system, IgA, that is secreted and functions at this surface. While there is cross talk between the IgA system and blood level immunoglobulin systems like IgG (memory immunity) and IgM (acute active blood level immunity), it is possible for blood level and mucus membrane level immunity to have been exposed to different things and remember how to defend against different things.

The immune system works via a priming mechanism. Once exposed to foreign proteins the immune system develops antibodies against these proteins and is ready for the "infection" should it recur again. Because it is already primed, it is possible for the immune system to more quickly ramp up immunity in response to exposure of something it has already learned how to defend against and in some cases can defeat the infection before we even get any symptoms of illness -- this the meaning of being "immune" to something and how it works.

This is why very young children are at increased risk for overwhelming infections, in part because their immune system is still maturing and not as strong as it eventually will be, and also in part because it has not been exposed to enough things to have a broad base of memory immunity from which to select the appropriate antibodies. Hence breast milk full of mother's antibodies that protect children while their immune systems mature, and also why formula is lacking protection that is vital.

It is important to remember that antibodies are only one part of the immune system, their function is to act as sentries that sound the alarm when they see invaders, and this alarm cranks up the activity of the cells that actually do the heavy lifting of destroying the invaders, and the sentries increase this activity by stimulating the release of a whole cascade of chemicals that activate different parts of the immune system. One of the chemicals released is histamine, which makes small blood vessels get leaky, which allows a bunch of extra plasma full of infection fighting cells to leak out into the tissue to defeat the invading infection -- very useful when fighting a local infection like a bacteria infection around a splinter, but not designed to happen all over the body simultaneously.

The concept of vaccination by injecting foreign proteins into the bloodstream, which is what all intramuscular vaccination injections are doing, is that it will expose the immune system to specific foreign proteins and thus teach the immune system how to be immune to those proteins. But this is actually like starting a car by hot wiring it -- it is bypassing the normal regulation and control mechanism of the immune system, which is built around the expectation that infection will occur through the normal routes of entry, which are mucus membranes.

When humans get the flu, for example, it is vanishingly rare to find actual virus proteins in the bloodstream -- the virus is limited to infecting the mucus membrane, and thus the most important immunoglobulin necessary to produce immunity against the flu would be IgA. Injecting virus proteins directly into the bloodstream will certainly stimulate IgG, and this protects well against a blood level infection, but does very little to protect against a mucus membrane level infection.

Having IgG antibodies against the flu will help defend against an overwhelming infection with flu where the flu virus is everywhere including the bloodstream, but will not prevent you from contracting a regular case of the flu that always starts on a mucus membrane layer like the nose or throat or lung. This is why the old perspective on the flu vaccine, before medicine was conquered by the vaccine zealots chasing the elimination of infections through mass vaccination, suggested that the flu vaccine was useful to reduce mortality from more serious flu infections like pneumonia but was not useful at preventing people from getting the flu, and is also why the flu vaccines have at best a 35% chance of preventing flu infections. The flu vaccine is completely incapable of eliminating the flu from a population even if every single person was given them -- all of this information is readily available in the flu vaccine insert that is inside every single box of flu vaccine and the inserts are also all available online. It's just that no one, and especially public health medical experts, bothers to read them.

Hot wiring the immune system through vaccination in a way that short circuits the normal immune control sequence has several consequences.

The first is that the immune system has been shocked by something it is not typically designed to see (foreign proteins in the bloodstream), and subsequently it's almost like it has PTSD. The next time it sees any similar proteins, it has a massive reaction.

One of those reactions is that mast cells start releasing histamine all over the body, which causes small blood vessels all over the body to spring leaks and start leaking plasma. This causes a drop in blood pressure and when the fluid starts to leak out into the lungs, can actually kill you. This is called "anaphylaxis."

Prior to the development of needles, this condition was so rare that it didn't even really have a medical name and no one understood what was happening. It was limited to people who had proteins injected through things like bee stings. This term was coined by a researcher named Charles Richet in 1902 who was injecting sea anemone toxin into dogs in an attempt to produce immunity, and he noted that some dogs, never on initial dosing but when re-exposed a subsequent time, got horribly sick and sometimes died, and he tried to think of a name (ana-phylaxis, or "against protection") that was the opposite effect from what he was trying to achieve, which was pro-phylaxis, or "towards protection." Now that we understand how the immune system works, we can understand what this represented -- upon re-exposure to foreign proteins the immune system had such a massive and overwhelming reaction that it killed itself.

Another consequence of hot wiring the immune system has to do with the reality that immune globulins aren't just limited to the exact protein they were exposed to, but will also attach themselves to proteins that look similar and activate the immune system against these proteins. Thus we can imagine that it is possible to have an overwhelming anaphylactic reaction to proteins that look similar to the protein bits that the immune system was primed to defend against.

Additionally, any accidental contamination of an immunization by protein bits that are unknowingly present will stimulate immunity against those proteins. So if bits of egg protein are in a vaccine you will immunize an individual against eggs. If bits of peanut protein are in there, you can subsequently get an anaphylactic reaction if you eat peanuts. If human proteins are in there, you will immunize the human body against those proteins, which might accidentally cause you to develop immunity against parts of your own body. Or, if the protein bits in the vaccine look similar to eggs, or peanuts, or human proteins, you will get the same reaction.

Have you noticed the increasing numbers of life threatening food allergies that young kids have these days? Unheard of when I was in grade school in the 70s. No one worried about bringing food to school. Now almost every classroom has a sign on it and you always have to ask about allergies. They even ask about allergies at restaurants and have signs saying that there might be nut proteins in food. And have you noted the rates of asthma (excessive inflammation reaction in the lungs in response to exposure to non-infectious substances) that are skyrocketing? Hmmm..... Wonder what is pissing these kids immune systems off......

Want to really blow your mind? Read about PANDAS -- Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Strep. Essentially, kids that get sick with strep rarely develop antibodies that cross react with their own central nervous system, and as their immune systems attack their central nervous system they develop mental illness that covers the entire spectrum -- they get tics like Tourette's, they get anxiety, they get panic attacks, they get mood disorders like depression, separation anxiety, OCD behaviors, and ADHD problems. What they specifically get is random because what part of the foreign strep protein they develop antibodies against is random, and thus what part of their own central nervous system their immune system accidentally attacks is also random -- attacking the insulation (myelin) around nerves might create more schizophrenic or tic like disorders, while attacking receptors like GABA might create more anxiety or OCD like reactions. Autoimmunity against the central nervous system might actually be the fundamental cause of all mental illness , not just PANDAS -- some studies have shown that a high proportion of people with schizophrenia (not associated with strep infections) have antibodies against their own myelin basic protein, for example.

And what public health problem is now overwhelming our society? Mental illness. Depression all over, kids with all sorts of neurodevelopmental disorders, autism running rampant, 1 out of every 15 kids on some type of of psychiatric medication...

Gee, wonder where all that mental illness is coming from.....

Hot wiring the human body has consequences. Don't expect politicians or public health officials or media personalities or news organizations to know anything about physiology or to think about things in a logical, scientific way. They prefer to trot out pet scientists who rubber stamp their fantasy that we can science our way to utopia.

Be skeptical. First do no harm. Nothing is free. The old poker saying is "if you don't know who the mark at the table is, you are probably it." Similarly, if you don't know what is causing your medical problems, it's likely that you are causing them yourself and just don't know it.

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