Pause the FDA before they kill again!

Don’t suspend the J&J vaccine. Suspend the FDA instead - at least until they demonstrate that they understand basic cost-benefit analysis. A course in basic moral philosophy might be useful, too.

Every day of delay kills way more people than the 1 in 1 million chance of getting a blood clot they are guarding against. And that’s assuming the blood clots were caused by the vaccine, which is far from certain. Indeed, the risk they are guarding against is smaller than the risk of driving to and from the vaccination site, if it’s more than a few miles from your house!

By stopping vaccination, the FDA is literally killing people - as in using the power of the state to prevent them from getting life-saving vaccines. That’s indefensible under any even remotely plausible moral theory - utilitarianism, Kantianism, libertarianism, Rawlsianism, and so on. And this is far from the first time the FDA has acted indefensibly.

Lots of people are idiots when making decisions that involve things they know little about (in this case cost-benefit analysis and public opinion). Plus, the FDA has a long history of similar errors - holding back medical treatments whose benefits vastly outweigh the risks.

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