The Best Gift I gave For my Families and Old friends During Holidays Season was ME


As an OFW like me who's been working too hard abroad just to earn money to have that saving for our future and to support our families in the Philippines sometimes we often need to consider many things before we decide of doing things like for example going back home during holiday's season like Christmas and new year or even celebration of other some special events of our families or loved ones, because we always think that they morethan need our financial support than to our presents and most of the time we just choose to send the money to them instead of our attention. Just like many other OFW I also did and think the same way and I really got a hard time to take a break or to have at least a vacation to be spent in my Families and to my old friends who've treated me like their own blood but these past holiday's season things went so different. When I was sitting and working on that afternoon it was 23rd of December suddenly my emotions attacking me, couldn't even think well is like I want to see all my brother's and sister's my Parents, all my cousins my aunties and uncles hahhaha it seems so dramatically dragging me badly want to go home automatically on that day and so I ask my boss if he let me have my holidays vacation and yeah he granted my request, I moved fastly and checked the ticket if how much the cost from hong kong to Palawan, Philippines so bad the price was then triple than the usual booking beacuse of the holiday's peak season but because I am so determined to go home I booked my ticket....
The flight was on 24th of December 11: pm for the first I did celebrate the Christmas on air I was so tired that time having not enough sleep and We landed at Manila airport on 25TH of December and my flight going to Palawan is on the next day 26th of December 8: am in the morning it was a long journey for me, tired and sleepy but I am so excited to see them after 3 years of not seeing them, back to the story I reached the airport of Palawan in Puerto princessa on 26th December 9:30 am and from the airport I took a Van going to my Home town in South Part of Palawan which called Brooke's Point, My Home town.
when I saw my families especially my parents and siblings I became so happy and all my tiredness was gone.
I was even heard my sister's always asking my mom when I will come back haha and when she saw me she was shocked was really the best time for me seeing my families and re connecting myself to my hometown.






more stories coming so soon about my journey ...
thank you for reading please let's get connected :)
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Thank you very much...

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