Addition of account feature, currency converter, and reminder feature to Piggybudget.



Piggybudget is a simple application that I use to keep track of my spendings. You just need to input either your expenses or income and the application does the rest. Unlike other similar apps that are filled with advertisements and not totally free, Piggybudget is easy to use as it doesn’t have any of those.


My suggestion is on

  • Landing page
  • Settings page


Piggybudget is a good application that is very easy to understand. Adding few features will make it better and the top-choice for most users.

  • Account feature – Opening the application will allow anyone to access the income and expenses. Having an account feature will allow users to login with their details before they can access their budgets. It will also allow them to logout so others can use it. This way, only users with access information can view the budget details.

  • Currency Converter – The application currently possess host of countries currencies that can be selected and the expenses monetary value will be displayed in the chosen currency. In the case of changing a country currency to another, it is only the currency symbol that changes and not the real conversion.
    You see $200 changing to €200. The currency converter will ensure the currency is converted based on the current exchange rate.

  • Reminder – Often, most users are busy doing one thing or the other and may forget to input their daily details. The reminder feature will give a notification at a pre-defined time for the user to input the day information.



This is how I expect the account feature to look when implemented. Users should be able to signup and login to their accounts easily


This is how the reminder setting will look once implemented. You can choose to enable notifications that will pop up at a given time on your device.


Account feature - The benefits of having the account feature are enormous. It provides a layer of security which means your budgets data can only be viewed by those authorized. Unlike the default setting where anyone can just open the application and view your data.

It also means that more than 1 user can use the application since they will have different accounts.

Another great benefit is that, it acts like a backup for your budgets. In any case of misplacing your internet enabled device, you can easily login on another device and have all your budgets intact. Safety, Backup, and mobility. You can easily access your data elsewhere.

Currency converter - This is another great feature that will improve Piggybudget. Having the ability to convert the currency to their value in the new currency will save time and stress. Presently in Piggybudget, if your default currency is $100, changing the currency to Nigerian naira will only change it to 100 naira rather than 36,000 naira. In order to achieve the right conversion, users will have to visit an external website to view the exchange rate, then they start converting each income or expenses entries manually. It is stressful and takes time.
Implementing the feature will help prevent that and make the application for users that wish to view their budgets in other country currency.

Reminder - One of the main aim of the application is to encourage daily input of your expenses and help track them. The reminder will help accomplish this aim. The reminder will alert users at a pre-defined time. This alert will make them remember to fill in the Piggybudget on a daily basis.


The above features when implemented will greatly improve Piggybudget. It will change the way users utilize the application and make Piggybudget achieve mass adoption.

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