Assigning Pop Up Dialogue Box to Trash Option on Omni-Notes


Omni Notes is an open source android application that is used for taking notes. It has so many amazing features that makes it my number one application for note taking. But recently, i was making a note, and added an image attachment. I clicked on the menu button, and i mistakenly clicked on "trash" option. My note that i have been compiling since morning immediately erased completely.
And there was no means for recovering it back.


I am proposing that a dialogue pop up box should be assigned to the "trash" option on the menu.

Mockups / Examples

A pop up box will be such that, when the user, both consciously and unconsciously click on the "trash" option, it should bring up something like this:


This will save users of the frustration of loosing a work that has taken so much effort and stress to compile, all in a flash.

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