# French Translation # Cordova # Part 15 # 1002 words #



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Apache Cordova or what was called previously Apache Callback or PhoneGap. More specifically, It is a framework which is classified as an open source project. It allows users to create several applications for different platforms (As for Android and IOS....).

Applications developed thanks to this tool are hybrid, that is mean that they are not really native, neither based on HTML language or such an equivalent one.


This is my fiftheenth contribution to the project Cordova.

The general difficulty of this contribution may be estimated at being easy. No huge
technicality needed since the strings dealt with was simple and had no special terms that required further research. However, the same issue remains with the terms contained between the two <0> and </0>, it always creates a bit of confusion about whether to keep the term or translate it since both options seem logical.

This contribution, some terms needed no translation, and sometimes that is the plain solution because of the technicality of the terms. Some examples are as follows :


A patch is a set of changes to a computer program or its supporting data designed to update, fix, or improve it. This includes fixing security vulnerabilities[1] and other bugs, with such patches usually being called bugfixes or bug fixes, and improving the usability or performance.


Stands for " Global Positioning System." GPS is a satellite navigation system used to determine the ground position of an object. Each GPS satellite broadcasts a message that includes the satellite's current position, orbit, and exact time. A GPS receiver combines the broadcasts from multiple satellites to calculate its exact position using a process called triangulation.


     • This translation was conducted from English to French.



• Total word count : 67 917 words.

• Total words translated in this contribution : 1051 words.

• Number of untranslated words : 49 words.

• Final count : 1002 words.

• Here is a proof to my contribution: [Word count]

• Progress in this contribution : 1.7 %.


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