# French Translation # Cordova # Part 11 # 1013 words #



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Apache Cordova or what was called previously Apache Callback or PhoneGap. More specifically, It is a framework which is classified as an open source project. It allows users to create several applications for different platforms (As for Android and IOS....).

Applications developed thanks to this tool are hybrid, that is mean that they are not really native, neither based on HTML language or such an equivalent one.


This is my eleventh contribution to the project Cordova.

This very contribution didn’t take me much time in comparison to the previous one, which is pretty normal I guess since you get used to the general context plus the repetition of some major keywords of the project or the package dealt with.
The major challenge in this contribution was to actually make the decision of whether keeping some field-related terms and hence doing no translation at all or going for the literal version.

This contribution, and in order to ensure maximum fidelity to the original strings, my research was focused mainly on technical terms. Some examples are as follows :


Android WebView is a system component for the Android operating system (OS) that allows Android apps to display content from the web directly inside an application.


An event listener is a procedure or function in a computer program that waits for an event to occur. Examples of an event are the user clicking or moving the mouse, pressing a key on the keyboard, etc. Typically, the term event listener is specific to Java and JavaScript.


     • This translation was conducted from English to French.



• Total word count : 67 917 words.

• Total words translated in this contribution : 1050 words.

• Number of untranslated words : 39 words.

• Final count : 1013 words.

• Here is a proof to my contribution: [Word count]

• Progress in this contribution : 1.8 %.


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