Addition of 'Save Game', 'Continue' and 'New Game' Options


Caramelos is an open source game that involves synchronizing alphabetical vowels to gain points in 20 moves or less. It has about 10 levels and it gets harder with every new level, however, when a user exits the game, he cannot come back to where he/she stopped, he will have to start over again.
this can be very frustrating


As one progresses in the game, it will be nice if he/she can come back to the exact place he/she stopped. Realize the game is an app on the phone and one can be distracted from the game due to a number of reasons, either wanting to do something else, or an incoming call, you then realize you will have to start over again.
I suggest the inclusion of 'saved game' , 'continue' and 'new game' option. This will help user to choose either to save a game when they wan to exit the app, and when they come back they can choose to either continue the saved game or start a new one.

Mockups / Examples

Image of application open page as it is at the moment

Image of suggested addition


Recall that the game has levels and with each level, it gets more difficult, hence with the saved game option, continue option and new game option, it helps the user to have a choice of either to save existing game for future reference, continue the saved game or start a new one.

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