VIZ.World Graphene Blockchain v1.0.0-RC


New Features

VIZ.World is Graphene Blockchain based on Golos fork. There is a lot of changes:

  • Fixed 10% inflation with 1-year rounds;
  • Committee fund get 15% from inflation;
  • Content reward fund get 30% from inflation;
  • Shareholders get 40% from inflation;
  • Witnesses get 15% from inflation;
  • 2 vote for witnesses per account;
  • Witness queue turns top (10 places) with support (11 places) block producers;
  • Gain block every 1 sec with 3 in a row with witness queue;
  • 100% account energy equal 5 votes (1 vote = 20% energy);
  • 5 days for 100% energy regeneration (1 vote per day);
  • Voting after reward window will award content author credit with voter rshares (allowing use this credit instead of account energy);
  • Without peg-asset, only 2 assets: liquid token VIZ and SHARES token;
  • Consensus bandwidth reserve for accounts with small SHARES;
  • Consensus curator percent range in chain properties;
  • Curator percent vote decides content creator (but can be only between consensus range);
  • Anonymous accounts;
  • Anonymous chain startup (with committee account);
  • UTF8MB4 support in permlink (emoji support);
  • Domain logic in account names (sub.creator account available only for creator);
  • Committee logic with worker-requests operations;

  • Custom json snapshot support;
  • Source code without any hardforks.

It took 4 months to develop:

Read full pull request with all commits about VIZ:

GitHub Account

Anatoly @on1x Piskunov

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1 column
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