Welcome Utopian Bot v3.0!

A better, faster, smarter and scalable version of the Utopian Bot is here to ensure you get fairly rewarded on time!


Utopian.io is growing at an exponential rate, so it's no wonder our voting bot is exhausted from all the work. It simply couldn't handle rewarding all your awesome contributions, so in the past weeks it sometimes crashed, voted twice or simply failed to vote at all.

We would like to formally apologize for any error made by our bot, and encourage you to contact us on Discord if you think your post was accidentally missed.

Since it is our top priority to continue rewarding quality contributions to Open Source projects, we've handed our bot to @wehmoen who boosted and upgraded to do be better, faster and smarter.

Moderator Quality Slider

In addition to improved speed and the ability to handle many more contributions every day, the new bot considers the Quality Score assigned to each contribution by the moderators.

When evaluation a submission, moderators select quality values for every contribution using a Quality Slider. This score has impact on the reward distributed.


This score of the contribution is used to calculate the vote to be awarded by the bot.

The basic formula for calculating the vote weight is:

((max_vote - min_vote) * score + min_vote) * category_weight

Higher Rewards, Minimal Downtime

We hope that this development and improvement to the Utopian Bot will allow us to distribute higher reward to quality contributions with no delays or errors.

By continuing to grow, evolve and improve, Utopian.io is revolutionizing the Open Source economy with your help, one line of code at a time.

Utopian Community-Driven Witness

We are made of developers, system administrators, entrepreneurs, artists, content creators, thinkers. We embrace every nationality, mindset and belief.

Utopian.io is the first Community-Driven Witness. Every decision will be taken as per the consensus of the entire community using our public Discord server and soon via a public voting system.


Top Sponsors

@freedom - Vote Witness




@wackou - Vote Witness

@xeldal - Vote Witness

@roelandp - Vote Witness

@lafona-miner - Vote Witness



Top Moderators











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