Translation Contribution Submissions Paused Until Further Notice

As of today, will refrain from accepting contributions to the translation category and access to this category will be blocked on until further notice.


Due to the rampant abuse of the Translation category on Utopian, we've paused the submission of translation contributions to in the past. So far, even with multiple improvements and adjustments to Utopian contribution submission rules, we are still seeing too much abuse of the Utopian reward system and platform in this specific category.

With the damage these abusers are causing the Utopian brand and its community of genuine Open Source contributors, we have no choice but to completely refrain from accepting contributions to this category at this time and until a solution can be implemented.

We apologize for this, and hope to resume rewarding quality translation contributions within the next few weeks.

Work in Progress...

We have been working closely with the team at CrowdIn to reach a technical solution to provide us with the necessary tools to effectively moderate and reward quality translations on the platform.

It is our hope that once CrownIn integration is implemented on Utopian, we will see no abuse and a lot more rewards to quality translators helping internationalize valuable Open Source projects.

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