Documentation | Comment It | New Documentation For Comment It!

Documentation | Comment It | New Documentation For Comment It!

I introduced new plugin called "Comment It" in the last post. Here's a small part from last post

Comment It is a simple commenting system that allows people to use this as a base to start making or converting this commenting system to your custom designed commenting system. The other use of this plugin is that we can simply use this as a standalone comments plugin. At the moment the plugin allows user to create comment with the help of using email address and username. Person can also like and dislike comment. This is also very fast and doesn't take time much to load.

Now I have changed the documentation for this open source plugin. You can check the documentation from here. You can also find the exact documentation below.

Workers Are Commenting...
ChatIt is a simple commenting system that allows people to use this as a base to start making or converting this commenting system to your custome designed one. At the momment the plugin allows user to create comment with the help of using email address and username. Person can also like and dislike comment. This is also very fast and doesn't take time to load.
At the momment the only commenting sytem that really stands out for wordpress is Disqus. There are also very less options for admin to choose from. I have made this plugin to allow website to have new commenting system which isn't slow like Disqus. Right now at this stage the only use of this plugin is to use this plugin's code as base to create your very own commenting system for website. This also means that If you have knowledge of PHP, you can add custom features. Another thing that I am planning is to make is a standalone plugin, so you will not need to have any knowledge to use this plugin.
Upcoming Features And Changes.
I am planning to add a ton of new features to this plugin. Some of the feature which may be coming in a week includes.
Whole profile system. This means that users will be able to create their profiles on your website. This will also make a whole page dedicated to that person. The page will show all his activities, comments, etc.
Ability to delete comment and add profile picture. Right now sadly user can't delete the comment they have made. They also can't add profile picture but these both things will change in upcoming week.
Ability to use emojis. Users will be able to use emojis and react to comments.
Notification system. Users will be notified when someone replies to their comment.
Views and ability to share. User will also able to login and share the comment on their social media. Views are also gonna start to appear.
Settings. You'll be able to change settings to where you wan't and don't want to show plugin etc.
These are just some of the features and changes that will happen in nearby future. By above changes and features to add you can really see that the plugin has a really long way to go, so stay up for that.
Downloading And Installing Plugin
To Download the plugin just click on green button which says "Clone or Download" and then click on download zip.Installing of plugin is very simple, just like other plugins you can simple upload it through the plugin manager and it will start working. Simple as that!Right now main purpose of this plugin is to be used as base for making your own plugin!
Intial version of plugin

You can check the commit from here. If you have have any questions kindly state them in comments.


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