My Suggestions for SlimSocial for Facebook


SlimSocial for Facebook is an Open source: the code of this app is online on GitHub, anyone can verify the authenticity of the app and contribute to its development. It is used to log in to facebook and access the facebook world.


I am suggesting that the SlimSocial for Facebook app make use of the Log in with Facebook button so as to assure users of safe and secured log in, when i downloaded the app and i was about to log in i saw that i have to put in my facebook details and i am scared to log in so has not to get hacked, but with this log in with facebook button will ensure safety to the logging section.
Here is how the log in looks like presently


Also i am suggesting that Steem should be added as a means of donating on this app, currently the only means of donating is through paypal. The inclusion of Steem as a means of donating will improve the reward the developer will get as many steemains will like to donate using that button

Mockups / Examples

Here is how the log in button should look like


Once the button is being clicked permission will be requested of the users right on facebook to give access to log in, once granted. Then the account will be logged in.

Here is how the donation button should look like



  • This would increase the level of security and safety of users logging in to facebook using SlimSocial for Facebook app.

  • This will increase the level of donation of the app users, as many Steemains will like to contribute to the development of the app by donating through Steem.

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors

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