Ability to pass user from ranking page to ranking page


This would affect the ranking pages of https://mysteemitfriends.online


Within my steemit friends, you currently have the ability to use a selection of different methods for ranking a user, this includes by followers, by rep, by SBD, etc. Currently, you must enter a username of a STEEM user to return a rank of each of these pages.

I propose adding the ability to pass in the user which is being searched on one ranking page to another.
For example, if I go to the followings ranking page and search for a user and then go to any of the other ranking pages that user should automatically be searched for. Currently, you would need to enter the username of the user you wish to get a ranking for on every page.

This could possibly be a remember user option or apply to all ranking option, etc. This could potentially be passed in via the URL or possibly held in local storage and if available called for upon document ready.

Mockups / Examples

The following screenshots and annotations are used to help explain this further:



I believe the main benefits that this feature will have for a user will be the convenience and efficiency when switching from ranking page to ranking, I believe by adding this feature a user will reduce the frustration of having to add the same username over and over again. For example, if I want to see my ranking for a selection of different stats it can become very annoying having to enter it multiple times. I believe overall by adding this feature it would create a smoother, slicker experience when using the ranking feature on mysteemitfriends.

Posted on Utopian.io - Rewarding Open Source Contributors

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