Mentions, Follows, Reblogs and Leaderboard on Activity Screen Never Load

Expected Behavior

Viewing Mentions, Follows, Reblogs and Leaderboards on the Activity Screen loads the relevant information.

Actual Behavior

Viewing Mentions, Follows, Reblogs and Leaderboards on the Activity Screen takes the user to a loading process which never completes.

How to Reproduce

  1. Launch eSteem 1.5.0 on Android 8.1.0
  2. Click the 3 Horizontal Lines in the Upper Left
  3. Tap the Profile Icon
  4. Tap the Activities Button in the Upper Right (e.g. Bar Graph Icon)
  5. Click the Dropdown in the Upper Right
  6. Select Mentions and wait to see if it loads
  7. Select Following and wait to see if it loads
  8. Select Reblogs and wait to see if it loads
  9. Select Leaderboard and wait to see if it loads

Device: Pixel 2 XL
OS: Android 8.1.0
App Version: 1.5.0

Recording of the Bug


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