[Task Request] -- Help us improve the 1Ramp Platform


1Ramp is available on Google Play and Web


e.g. https://github.com/hapramp


Here, we'll talk about the 1Ramp platform, what we are trying to create on Steem, and how you can help us make it better for the Steemians and the community.

What is 1Ramp?

1Ramp is a social media platform for creators and communities. On 1Ramp, you can choose your interests, engage with the best of communities on Steem, and win (or create) amazing contests.

Here is how you can help us --

1. Use 1Ramp Android app or Web or both (if that's possible).
Here are the links:

Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hapramp
Web: https://alpha.1ramp.io

2. Fill up this form: https://goo.gl/forms/KFdka5y83MAQxOkT2
The instructions regarding how to use the apps are given in this form itself. The form is designed in a way that irrespective of your device (android mobile or web browser), the questions remains the same.

The google form is not to test you, but the app and the ideas behind it.

3. Submit the form
You may comment on this post to confirm that you've done your part in helping us build 1Ramp.

4. If you like the 1Ramp app, ask your friends and followers to try it out (optional).

We'd love to know your thoughts and ideas. After all, our aim is to build for creators and artists who use Steem platforms every day. Feel free to give suggestions beyond the scope of the questions (in Google form) here in the comments.


2nd March 2019.

We hope two week's time is adequate to get back to us (through Google form or Discord) with your suggestion and the issues you faced on 1Ramp.


To get in touch with us, please join our Discord server. Here is the invite link: https://discord.gg/c6N9kVM

You may also write to us directly at hi@1ramp.io.

More Details

Our goal is to build one platform for all the creators and communities. Two key features on 1Ramp are #WeAreOne communities and contest creation tool.
Learn more about them here:

  • Contest creation tool is now open for all: You can participate in the ongoing contests by 1Ramp or create and manage your own contests on Steem using the 1Ramp Android app.
  • #WeAreOne Communites: Bringing the best of communities on Steem at one place to give the quality content on Steem a dedicated space, help curators find all the relevant content at one place, and enable new users to easily find the people with similar interests.

    The alpha version of 1Ramp's Android app was launched on 15th August 2018. And in the following months, we launched our web application. Also, @vikonomics from the 1Ramp team spoke about our plans and ideas at the @Steemfest last year. The team behind: @bxute, @singhpratyush, @vikonomics, @ansarimofid, and @rajatdangi. Follow our official Steem account @the1ramp to stay updated on the latest development.



1Ramp is a Social Media platform for creators (powered by Steem blockchain). On 1Ramp, you can join communities of your interest: Art, Dance, Design, Fashion, Film, Literature, Photography, and Travel and earn rewards for sharing your work. We are on a mission to give all creative communities one stage where you can compete, collaborate, and make good art.
1Ramp is Available on Google Play and Web.

Join the conversation on our Discord or write us at hi@1ramp.io


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