[Filipino Translation] 1252 Translated Words for Kolibri - User Documentation (install.po)


Project Details

Kolibri is a tool designed to make online learning materials available offline. One of its key feature is its innovation on video compression technique. This key feature reduces the time and cost needed to download a large set of videos, and allows a large amount of content to be stored on a small, low-cost device.

I am very much interested on contributing for this project as it helps on spreading high quality education for all types of communities, be it on rural areas, orphanages, or even on refugees camp.

I believe education is very important for the growth and development of our community. Thus, this tool is a great help to the community.

Source: Kolibri Official Site

Links related to the translation

Kolibri Documentation Project in Crowdin
install.po > Translated File in Crowdin
teeheecakesph > Activity in Crowdin
Kolibri Github Repository
Proof of Work: Screenshot #1
Proof of Work: Screenshot #2
Proof of Work: Screenshot #3
Proof of Work: Screenshot #4
Proof of Work: Screenshot #5
Proof of Work: Screenshot #6
Proof of Work: Screenshot #7
Proof of Work: Screenshot #8

Source Language


Translated Language

Filipino (Tagalog) @ 37% Completion
Translatable: 28 425 words

Number Of Words

Number of words translated on this contribution: 1252

Proofread Words

For this contribution, no proofreading activities has been made by the managers and other contributors.

Previous translation on the same project

No previous contributions made for this project.

Number of words translated on the project before this report (if any): 0

Proof of Work

Translated File : install.po

Transalated File.png

Sample Translations :

Sample 1.png

Sample 2.png

Translation Activity :

Kolibri - No. of Words.png


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