Suggestion For TRIfA : Add Feature "Voice Message"



The TRIfA application is an application that provides features to communicate like other chat apps. Inside Trifa has many features like voice call and also video call. However I did not find the feature to send Voice Message. Therefore, I would like to suggest adding the Voice Message feature to the application.

  • Add Feature "Voice Message"


After using the TRIfA application, the app is pretty good in my opinion. There are some features that are not yet available to make TRIfA more interesting and good. To compete with other chat apps, it's necessary to add good features to keep up with other apps. Therefore, I want to suggest kepda application developers to add feature "Voice Message" into the application TRIfA. With the voice message feature, it can help users to send messages with ease. For example it is useful for users who want to send messages but are driving a car.

Mockups / Examples

App view before adding feature (ORIGINAL DISPLAY)

Below, I will show an example of a feature view that I recommend if the developers implement it.

And below, an example of a "Voice Message" feature display and a sample view of Voice Message.


With the addition of the "Voice Message" feature, users can send messages to other users by voice recording. Voice Message feature is very useful for users to speed up the messaging process. Terumata is useful for users who want to send messages but are driving a vehicle. The feature has excellent functionality, and if added to the TRIfA app, it will make the app even more attractive and great.

By having the feature "Voice Message" that can help users, of course, will make users more happy and feel comfortable to use it.

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