Suggest add feature (search, compress files and sequence options) in the slideshow application.



The slideshow application is a useful open source app to quickly browse your file system for the directory you want to view, click images and the slideshow will automatically start.

Suitable for showing off vacation photos without having to scroll.


Add some features below.

1. Add search feature.
To make it easier for users to search for files or images, just click Search feature.

2. Add feature comprees file.
Users can select files to compress files to zip, without the help of other applications.

3. Add feature sort by.
Users can select file sequence features by name, size, etc. As per user's wishes.

Mockups / Examples

  1. Example of display below, when user click Search feature to find file.

  2. Example Display features compress. Users can compress files to zip.

  3. Example image After the sort by feature in add.


  1. Facilitate the user when looking for a file simply press the Search feature and write the file you want to search.

  2. Users can compress files, so users do not need to down other applications to be copied in any file.

  3. Users can choose sort by feature, user can select file order by name, size, etc. As per user's wishes.

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