Bug report: utopian.io shows incorrect comment count when comments are nested

Incorrect comment count in utopian.io

Here is another snug bug: utopian.io shows incorrect comment count if the comments are nested (answers to comments). It seems that answers are not counted as comments.

Testing Environment

  • OS X
  • Firefox 57.0

Steps to Reproduce

  • Login to https://utopian.io
  • Find a submission that has a top level comment that is answered with another comment
  • Review comment count in search results page
  • Open submission
  • Review comment count next to header
  • Review comments section

Proposed Behavior

Correct comment count is shown in all views, such as single post view and listings.

Actual Behavior

Incorrect comment count is displayed. While there is one top-level comment and one answer, comment count is shown as 1, where it should be 2. Also, the list view shows no footer for some submissions, but that might be unrelated.


Some submissions have a footer that diplays comments count, some don't have a footer...

Comments count shown as 1...

... while there are two comments.

Posted on Utopian.io - Rewarding Open Source Contributors

3 columns
2 columns
1 column
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