development Update ( Fixed Bugs and Factors)


Pull Request

Issues Solved

Update on the project and about PR

Knacksteem project is undergoing a lot of revolution with the recent introduction of KNT token to the platform, in the recent week a refactor was done on the back end which accepts users token through headers, so a new implementation/refactor was needed to be done on the API service on the front end. Before now, they where issues concerning users with empty Json_metadata from the blockchain which causes a query error on the platform when details from the json_metadata was requested to be rendered on the DOM.

Brief peep into the service and the fix for empty json_metadata.

The API service was refactored to accept token through header with the axois module.

export const apiPost = async (url, data, token) => {
  try {
    return await axios({
      method: 'post',
      url: `${Config.apiURL}${url}`,
      data: data,
      headers: { Authorization: "Bearer " + token },
      responseType: 'json',
  } catch (error) {
    return false;

Each time the method is used, the variables url, token and data to be sent must be passed

Fix for Empty json_metadata

There are some users in the block chain with empty json_metadata, there by getting cover Images and profile Image returns errors for these users.

    const {user, location} = this.props;
    const { remoteUserObject} = user;
    const hasLoadedRemoteUserObject = Object.keys(remoteUserObject).length > 0;
    const isUserLoggedIn = (user.username !== '');
      if (typeof remoteUserObject === 'object' 
          && Object.keys(remoteUserObject).length > 0
          if(remoteUserObject.json_metadata !== '' && Object.keys(JSON.parse(remoteUserObject.json_metadata)) ){
            remoteUserObjectMeta = JSON.parse(remoteUserObject.json_metadata).profile
          name =;
          if (remoteUserObjectMeta !== undefined ){
            coverImage = remoteUserObjectMeta.cover_image;
            styles.userImageContainer.backgroundImage = `url(${coverImage})`;
          reputation = repLog10(parseFloat(remoteUserObject.reputation)); 
          username = Cookies.get('username');

We get the user object and location from the store(props), If you take a look at the code, we have a method that dispatches action to loadRemoteUserObject to the component. To disable the issue #62 a check has to be done after the remoteUserObject has loaded.

if(remoteUserObject.json_metadata !== '' && Object.keys(JSON.parse(remoteUserObject.json_metadata)) ){
            remoteUserObjectMeta = JSON.parse(remoteUserObject.json_metadata).profile

We have to check if remoteUserObject.json_metadata is not an empty string and the JSON parsed object posses a mean which means it is not empty before setting the variables contained in the user's Json_metadata.

Next up

Integrating a voting slider for knacksteem.

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